Cain Mendoza is a Jewish man who is aware of the Shadow and believes it to be Sheol, the afterlife described by Judaism.
“ | Sheol is not a lie… All of the dead go there, righteous and unrighteous alike. Their spirits are twisted and malformed, eternally hungry but with only dirt to eat. | ” |
Becoming aware of spirits through the journal of his great-grandfather, a Russian rabbi, Mendoza believes the spirits which prey upon humanity are sinful souls who were never punished for their wrongdoing — souls that, damned to feed on dust and ash, break the rules of Sheol to feed from the living.
Some years ago, Mendoza accidentally ran over a man while driving drunk. After having fled the scene, he, guilt-wracked, came to believe himself doomed to the same punishment as the spirits who torment humanity. His guilt and fear have lured in myriad spirits who now draw nourishment from him. Meanwhile, the man himself is nearing a nervous breakdown and would commit any act to free himself from his torment.
- CofD: Book of Spirits, p. 18-19