Cahal is a homid Ahroun Garou of the Fianna tribe. He serves as lieutenant of the Caern of Tarker's Mill, but following the death of his wife Ludmila, he exiles himself from the pack and leaves his daughter Aedana behind. Five years later, he returns to assist the caern against the forces of Endron.
Cahal was born into the Fianna, but went into exile as a ronin after an incident in which he lost control of his Rage. However, he is compelled to return after Endron begins installing an extraction site near his pack's Caern.
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Earthblood[]
Cahal is the main protagonist in the game, being tasked by his alpha Rodko to infiltrate and shutdown Endron, An oil company that threatens to destroy their home. Having the ability to use his Lupus (full wolf) form to sneak past Endron security, Homid (human) form to take down Guard with stealth and his Crinos (werewolf) form when he is in great danger. He comes across a Black Spiral Dancer, a rival werewolf who kills his mate Ludmila which sends him into his Crinos form in a blind rage. After killing the werewolf, Rodko and a fellow pack member Rafeeq try to calm Cahal. Still enraged, Cahal lunges at Rodko. Rafeeq tries to stop him but is accidentally killed by Cahal.
Devastated by the loss of his wife and unsettled by his actions while lost to his Rage, Cahal goes into self-exile for five years. During this time, he continues working to undermine Endron's operations alongside humans (including Dusk (Human)). Upon discovering a threat to Tarker's Mill, Cahal returns to help the caern survive a siege by Endron. Cahal agrees to help his pack stop Endron's fracking activities and medical experimentation, whereby they are creating Fomori elite troops. He attempts to reconnect with his daughter, Aedana, who has followed in her mother's footsteps as an infiltrator and still not undergone her First Change (WTA).
While the pack is successful in halting Endron's threat to their caern, Aedana is captured while undercover in their facilities and taken away. Rodko loses himself to his rage when he fails to save her, and Cahal is forced to kill him in self defense.
In order to find the Endron facility where Aedana has been taken, Cahal must infiltrate Viridian State Prison, where Endron is sourcing convicts to use as shock troops in exchange for commuted sentences. Ava helps him impersonate a South Dakota serial killer, the Badlands Butcher, so he will be locked up at Viridian State. Dusk also infiltrates the prison. Inside Viridian State, Cahal learns about their research and frees a captured Red Talon that Endron has been experimenting on, Onawa. He returns Onawa to her caern in Nevada, which is under threat from the Endron facilities Cahal's clues are leading him to.
The Red Talons are hostile to Homid werewolves and their human allies, but Cahal doesn't suspect the depth of the threat until after Endron's CEO Richard Wadkins activates unleashes a Wyrm-tainted gas weapon: the Earthblood Protocol. Cahal is attacked by a Red Talon warrior while pursuing Wadkins, allowing Wadkins to escape by helicopter to an oil rig. The experimentation done on Onawa did not turn her to the Wyrm, but when she returned to the caern, it was enough to corrupt the sept's guardian spirit Pachu'a. Cahal must fight Pachu'a, Onawa, and the sept to remove the taint. The Red Talons, ashamed but grateful, thank Cahal for saving their caern.
Cahal and his remaining allies that survived the Earthblood Protocol pursue Wadkins, only to discover that Aedana has been transformed into a gigantic Wyrm monster by Endron's experiments. This ends in a tragic and fatal confrontation between Cahal and his daughter.
After being forced to kill Aedana, Cahal is left with a choice: whether to turn back and help his remaining allies survive while letting Wadkins get away, or pursue his vengeance against Wadkins at all costs. How the game ends depends on which option the player chooses.