Caer Ogun is the Comital Freehold of the County of Oakhold in the Kingdom of Pacifica.

Situated high in the trees of Lake Merritt, Caer Ogun is not so much a place as a collection of chimerical flets and landings, connected by rope bridges, cables, nets, and less orthodox means of travel. Masked from the human eye by a leafy canopy woven with Glamour's aid, the caer resembles nothing so much as a child's treehouse, allowed to reach its natural growth away from the prying eyes of parents. Accessible only from a chimerical bronze staircase that winds up to the treetops from the edge of the lake itself, Caer Ogun (which translates to "Castle of Iron," demonstrating Count Elias's keen appreciation for the impossibility of his situation) contains a full 45 landings of various sizes. Count Elias' personal flet, the Ironheart, is the one very furthest from the ground and is accessible by means of two spiral rope ladders, one to the east and one to the west. It is here that Elias receives visitors and hears petitions, though none are ever allowed on the Ironheart save Elias and those whom he wishes to speak. The members of Oakhold's court cluster on the flats one level down, in a zone called the Rare Air by the Seelie Kithain and something less polite by the Unseelie.
The flets are generally 15 feet on a side, attached directly to the wood of the trees by some stupendous exercise of Primal. Movement between the flets is deliberately slow, making the caer almost impossible to take by storm. On those occasions when Caer Ogun has been attacked, Elias has simply ordered the brass stairway to melt into thin air, dropping those leading the charge to their deaths. Elias has also been known to use this approach to summarily dispense judgement on those who displease him.
- CTD. Immortal Eyes: The Toybox, p. 44.