The Burning Sands are an Arcadian realm among the Pitiless Elements taking the form of a hellish desert.
Lit by twin suns, the Burning Sands are brutally hot, even after the suns have set, due to the heat the crystalline sands give off. The winds ensure that any exposed skin is scoured, while the ground itself denies any sort of even footing. The only relatively safe places are the oases scattered across the desert; the sparse plant life grows thicker there, and nomadic tribes of changelings and fae beasts rest for a time.
In addition to the above creatures, the Sands are inhabited by great unaging drakes, large beasts that serve as mounts of the True Fae. Rumor has it that they know the ways free of the desert, though those who have sought the drakes’ wisdom have never returned.
Changelings commonly produced by durances here include Broadback and Venombite Beasts; Fireheart Elementals; Stonebones Ogres; and, rarely, Draconic Fairest.
- CTL: Equinox Road, p. 114-116