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A Bunk is a price to be paid or an action done to effect a Cantrip among the Fae.

Overview: The Nature of the Bunk[]


There was a time when Glamour could be plucked out of thin air; when the fae were infused with it and had no need for such gentle coaxing. That was the Mythic Age, but that time is no more. Now in order to summon forth the Glamour required to weave a cantrip, changelings must enact strange rituals and actions which have come to be known as Bunks.

Still, the Bunk is far more than a silly requirement for casting a cantrip; it is the means by which a changeling can actually touch the Dreaming within themself, allowing them to draw upon a little bit of Glamour. Nobody, not even the fae, really understand Glamour. It seems to come more readily to some than others, and it is never the same from one moment to the next. And yet over the ages, the fae have learned how to use it to create varied and wondrous effects in order to overcome the banal world.

Advanced Rules for Bunks[]

The original system for Bunks required that the player draw a random card each time they attempted to cast a cantrip. While this system was reflective of the unpredictable nature of the requirements of Glamour, it was still somewhat restrictive in that the player was limited by a certain number of cards. Inevitably the same card will be drawn for a similar situation. This limitation goes against the very nature of what Bunks are supposed to represent. Additionally, while some Bunks may be appropriate for a given cantrip, others are wildly inappropriate. While some might say that this is simply just another representation of Glamour's caprice, Bunks that seem appropriate to the cantrip being cast add flavor to the story rather than distract from it.

The new system is an attempt to offer a more improvisational method of performing Bunks, which allows players to create their own Bunks on the fly — with a little bit of guidance, of course. This system completely eliminates the use of cards when casting cantrips, requiring the use of dice instead. Those players who have become accustomed to using cards may wish to use a variant of the system provided.

Choosing a Bunk[]

Whenever a character decides that they are going to cast a cantrip, they must first successfully perform a Bunk in order to call forth the Glamour required for the casting. Theoretically a Bunk can be anything from whistling a tune, to reciting a Shakespearean quotation backwards, to jumping in the air three times while holding your nose.

This system provides guidelines that allow players to create their own Bunks on the spur of the moment, rather than randomly drawing them from a deck of cards. Essentially the Art determines the general nature of the act which must be performed (Chicanery often involves a verbal Bunk of some sort, while Legerdemain usually demands a physical gesture), while the Realm dictates an object or person which must be involved in the Bunk. The more extensive and involved the Bunk is, the lower the difficulty for casting the cantrip.

When creating a Bunk, a player must observe the following steps:

  1. Determine what is required for the Bunk, whether it must be a verbal phrase, a physical action, etc., by consulting the appropriate Art on the charts below.
  2. Decide how complex the Bunk will be. The level of complexity determines how much the player may lower their base difficulty. The minimum for complexity is one, the maximum is five. One can find guidelines for the complexity of Bunks in the charts below. Additionally, many of the Bunks provided in the Changeling rulebook and the Changeling Players Kit may provide inspiration for Bunks. The Storyteller is the ultimate arbiter in deciding the level of a given Bunk. Storytellers should reward ingenious and creative players by giving them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to deciding the level of a Bunk.
  3. Finally, the player must perform the Bunk. While it is suggested that players roleplay their Bunks if they are of a verbal nature, it is recommended that most physical actions merely be described. If for some reason the character is interrupted during the performance of the Bunk and is unable to complete it, the cantrip fails.

Arts & Their Bunks[]


Chicanery requires a that a verbal Bunk of some sort be performed. This can be as simple as making up a new word to the reciting of a sonnet. Many Chicanery Bunks take the form of poems or silly phrases, though songs also perform adequately, of course, all must feature the Realm of the cantrip in some way. In the end it should be the character's personality that the determines the exact nature of the Bunk.



Requirement Examples
-1 A single word
  • Say a word backwards 3 times
  • Swear loudly
  • Make a strange soundrelated to the Realm
  • Abracadabra:
  • Gnis Gnos:
  • The Rooster Screams at Midnight:
  • Unseelie: Veiled in Darkness: Draw a black cloth over someone's eyes.
  • Boggan: Wiggle Waggle: Waggle your finger in the direction of your subject.
  • Eshu: Laughing Boy: Laugh out loud.
  • Nocker: Grunt and Grumble: Make a disparaging comment.
  • Pooka: Awww, How Cute: Bat your eyelids extravagantly.
  • Redcap: Curses: Say as many obscenities as you can in one breath.
  • Satyr: Trailer Soundbite: Quote a current movie. Must be a different movie each time the bunk comes up.
  • Sidhe: Accentuating: Speak with an affected accent.
  • Sluagh: Yell like a Snake: Hiss as loudly as you can.
  • Troll: Snarl: Make a low growl.
-2 A short phrase
  • Tell a clever lie
  • Insult the subject
  • Shout your true feelings
  • Yeah, Yeah:
  • Who's on First?:
  • Moo:
  • Just the Facts:
  • Unseelie: Erasure: Draw a picture of the target of your Bunk and erase part of it.
  • Boggan: Round-about: Stir something counter-clockwise.
  • Eshu: Cattle Call: Say a sentence in three different thick accents.
  • Nocker: I Think It's a Vegetable: Wad an orange marshmallow peanut into a tiny ball and throw it at your target.
  • Pooka: Fast Food Warzone: Shoot a drinking straw's wrapper at your target.
  • Redcap: Primal Scream: Scream as loud as you can.
  • Satyr: Catchy Tune: Play the pipes.
  • Sidhe: Name Names: Name the kings and queens of Concordia.
  • Sluagh: I Don't Buy It: Cut up a magazine ad.
  • Troll: Great Heroes: Recite a passage from Beowulf (must be different every time).
-3 At least a full sentence
  • Sing part of a song
  • Start a quote from a film or novel
  • Offer a toast to the subject
  • Low-Tech Karaoke:
  • Booger Salute:
  • Evening at the Globe:
  • Unseelie: Poetic Justice: Write a short stanza about your victim's misfortune.
  • Boggan: Finger Poke: Tickle someone.
  • Eshu: Summer Vacation: Describe a beautiful place you've been.
  • Nocker: Snake Oil: Slip something vile and greasy on your target.
  • Pooka: A Toast: Offer a toast to your subject.
  • Redcap: Dye Job: Dip an article of your subject's clothing in blood.
  • Satyr: Camp Fire: Lead those around you in a song.
  • Sidhe: Poet's Tongue: Describe your target with three different unusual metaphors.
  • Sluagh: Dictionary: Give the dictionary definition of something related to the cantrip (must be different each time).
  • Troll: Bonjour, Mein Herr: Hail your target in five different languages very quickly.
-4 A paragraph or short poem
  • Recite a full poem
  • Make up a new curse in a foreign language
  • Try to start an argument between two people
  • Flipper:
  • Name That Tune:
  • Dateline:
  • Unseelie: Condemnation: Crawl around the room whispering the horrid fate you wish for your enemy.
  • Boggan: Ha Ha: Make fun of your subject.
  • Eshu: #$#&*^%$: Make up a new curse and shout it in a foreign language.
  • Nocker: Tech Stuff: Recite a section from a tech manual.
  • Pooka: Giggles: Fall down on the floor, giggling uncontrollably.
  • Redcap: Fight! Fight!: Start an argument (may be between two other people).
  • Satyr: The Classics: Recite part of an epic poem.
  • Sidhe: Multisyllables: Use two words with five or more syllables in a sentence.
  • Sluagh: It was a Dark and Stormy Night: Read or recite a passage from a horror novel (must be different each time).
  • Troll: Tell a Tale: Tell a quick story of your exploits (must be different every time).
-5 Several paragraphs or a complete poem
  • Narrate your every action before doing it
  • Recite part of an epic poem
  • Tell a scary story involving the subject
  • The Children's Hour:
  • Poetry Corner:
  • A Million Stories in the Big City:
  • Unseelie: The Stolen Kiss: Kiss the hand or check of the person sitting next to you.
  • Boggan: Headstand-flip: Stand on your head, then flip, landing on your feet.
  • Eshu: True Name: Give the True Name of someone you know (must be different every time).
  • Nocker: Cough, Cough: Inhale a large amount of smoke.
  • Pooka: Punchline: Cause another to burst out with laughter.
  • Redcap: Is that a Threat?: Construct an intricate threat.
  • Satyr: Bump in the Night: Tell a scary story with your subject as the victim.
  • Sidhe: Riddle Contest: Confound someone with a riddle.
  • Sluagh: Secrets: Tell a dirty secret.
  • Troll: Nixy's Prize: Lock a ruby and a picture of your target together in a small box.


A bunk for Chronos must in some way involve time or representations of time. The requirements for these Bunks are dictated by how much time must be taken to enact the Bunk rather than by a specific action.



-1 1 second
-2 10 seconds
-3 1 minute
-4 10 minutes
-5 1 hour


The Bunks for Dream-Craft generally involve the creation of a model of the subject of the cantrip. This could be anything from making a quick sketch to creating a sculpture from clay or sand.

Dream Craft


Requirement Examples
-1 Vague outline, no details
  • Draw a stick figure
  • Make a figure out of mud.
  • Make a figure out of sticks.
-2 Some details, some accurate
  • Make a voodoo doll.
  • Wear a costume to represent the subject.
  • Make a model from glass.
-3 Clear image; Identifiable subject
  • Draw a portrait.
  • Make a sculpture from clay.
  • Make a wood carving.
-4 Detailed representation; Details should be accurate
  • Full color painting.
  • Create an ice sculpture.
  • Make a carving in crystal.
-5 Finely detailed re-creation; All details accurate
  • Create a masterpiece painting.
  • Make a detailed model of your subject.



Infusion Bunks require the fine art of drafting the world's most perfect Rube Goldberg machine on a cocktail napkin, scrawling equations across at least three blackboards, holding up bubbling elixirs and screaming at lab assistants.


Legerdemain Bunks require that the changeling perform some action or movement; generally silly or superfluous.



Requirement Examples
-1 Subtle physical motion
  • Curtsy or bow.
  • Pull your earlobe three times.
  • Cross your eyes.
  • Itchy & Scratchy:
  • The Third Knuckle:
  • Dance-a-Jig:
  • Unseelie: Grasping Hand: Crush something in your grasp.
  • Boggan: Criss-Cross: Cross your eyes and hold them that way till the cantrip is completed.
  • Eshu: Granny Yank: Pull on your earlobe three times.
  • Nocker: Tap: Tap your subject.
  • Pooka: Twitch: Twitch your nose like a rabbit.
  • Redcap: Fizzy Punch: Consume an unlikely combination of drinks.
  • Satyr: High Jump: Jump as you can.
  • Sidhe: Courtesy: Curtesy or bow before your subject.
  • Sluagh: Make No Mistake: Tear the eraser off a pencil.
  • Troll: Criss-Cross: Cross your eyes.
-2 Noticeable action
  • Drink a soda without stopping.
  • Leap as high as possible & touch the ceiling or a branch.
  • Give a moose salute.
  • Piggie, Piggie:
  • Leap of Faith:
  • Moose Salute:
  • Unseelie: Puppet: Dangle something on a string.
  • Boggan: Skippidy-do: Skip around your subject.
  • Eshu: Ouch!: Pull out a bit of hair.
  • Nocker: Slippery: Cover your hands in oil.
  • Pooka: Nose Grab: Grab at someone's nose and pretend to have stolen it.
  • Redcap: Gurgle, Gurgle: Drink a liter of soda without stopping for breath.
  • Satyr: Who's the Fairest: Stare at a reflection of your target for thirty seconds.
  • Sidhe: Little Red Ribbon: Tie a know around your finger.
  • Sluagh: A Bit o' Tongue: Waggle your tongue.
  • Troll: Stand Firm: Cross your arms and stand perfectly still while glaring at your subject.
-3 Blatant action
  • Assume a full lotus position.
  • Roll on the ground and giggle.
  • Raise arms to the sky and shout.
  • Vanna's Revenge:
  • Director's Cut:
  • Om:
  • Unseelie: Unctuous Habit: Caress your left hand with your right, twirl your mustache, or carry an animal on your shoulder. (Alternative: A stuffed animal will suffice.)
  • Boggan: Blue in the Face: Hold your breath for at least 30 seconds.
  • Eshu: Angry Fan: Spit ice through a straw at your target.
  • Nocker: Skindoodle: Draw a mock tattoo on yourself in ink.
  • Pooka: Play the Fool: Act in a foolish manner.
  • Redcap: Filthy Habit: Empty an ashtray on your target.
  • Satyr: Only Money: Burn a dollar bill and use it to light something.
  • Sidhe: Ornate Words: Write a poem in calligraphy.
  • Sluagh: Slither: Crawl on the ground.
  • Troll: Praise the Sky: Raise your arms to the sky and shout.
-4 Complex physical action (requiring a full turn)
  • Write a short poem in calligraphy.
  • Perform a magic trick.
  • Stand on your head.
  • Bloody Barsihnikov:
  • Marcel's Apprentice:
  • A Tree I Be:
  • Unseelie: Sticky Fingers: Pour honey over your fingers. (Alternative: Use soda instead.)
  • Boggan: Running Jump: Run in circles three times then jump in the air.
  • Eshu: Copperfield: Perform a magic trick.
  • Nocker: Smash: Break something with a hammer.
  • Pooka: Red-in-the-Face: Embarrass someone.
  • Redcap: Stiffy: Touch your subject with a dead creature.
  • Satyr: Booga: Drop something nasty down someone's shirt.
  • Sidhe: Morning's Kiss: Brush your target's eyelids with dew.
  • Sluagh: Flex: Place your leg behind your head.
  • Troll: Make a Wish: Toss a pure silver coin into water.
-5 Complex physical action (requiring more than a full turn)
  • Make an origami figure of the subject
  • Juggle three items then add a fourth without dropping.
  • Catch a fly with chop sticks.
  • Fred and Ginger:
  • Nah, Nah, You Stink:
  • Someone Else's Money:
  • Unseelie: By the Pricking of My Thumbs: Draw blood from your fingertip and leave three drops of it on the ground. (Alternative: Squeeze the juice out of something.)
  • Boggan: Juggle: Juggle three objects then add a fourth, without dropping.
  • Eshu: Cut the Deck: Cut a deck of cards; guess the showing card (you have three guesses).
  • Nocker: Dragonfly: Twist a piece of wire into an intricate pattern.
  • Pooka: Cats Cradle: Made a cats cradle from a length of string.
  • Redcap: Shake and Bake: Shake someone till stuff falls out of their pockets.
  • Satyr: Lady Godiva: Strip naked and run.
  • Sidhe: Swan Sail: Make an origami swan; set it afloat.
  • Sluagh: Snap!: Catch a fly with chopsticks.
  • Troll: Grimjaw: Break something by biting it in half.


Naming Bunks usually include runes or symbolic images and actions.



Requirement Examples
-1 Laundry List
  • Tear up a list you used in the last 24 hours
-2 Spin-off
  • Spin a coin on a surface
-3 Magic Fingers
  • Paint your fingertips a symbolic color & do not remove for 12 hours
-4 Ritual Garb
  • Where a specially prepared white robe inscribed with golden runes
-5 Glitter-rune
  • Smash a precious gem and use the pieces to make a runic symbol




Requirement Examples
-1 Horrid Dreams
  • You have terrible dreams for the next five nights.
-1 Freezing Wind
  • Everywhere you go, you are followed by a chilling breeze or wind. This lasts for a month.
-2 Clumsiness
  • You trip continually unless you concentrate on your movement. All difficulties for physical movement are increased by three. This happens the next time you are in a dangerous situation and lasts for a scene.
-2 Headaches
  • You are plagued with terrible migraines for the next month.
-3 Bad Luck
  • You suffer botch results on both a "1" and a "0" during the next dangerous scene in which you take part.
-3 Temporary Blindness
  • You cannot see for a scene. The Storyteller says when the scene begins.
-3 Recurring Nightmare
  • Draw another Bunk. This becomes a taboo that you must observe for the next month. The Storyteller decides to what extent this reaches.
-3 Widdershins
  • The cantrip you just cast reverses itself.
-4 Lose Important Item
  • Even if you constantly watch all your possessions for the next week, you will lose one of them (to fire, destruction or forgetfulness). The possession is usually your most valuable or valued possession - possibly a treasure. It may be possible to regain the item, or it may be lost forever.
-4 Wracked with Pain
  • You are wracked with terrible pain and cry out in agony. Every time you think of this pain, you must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to avoid experiencing it again. This lasts for a full month.
-5 Lose All Glamour
  • All of your temporary Glamour departs at once.
-5 Banality
  • Banality seizes your heart for a split second. Roll one die; the result is the number of temporary Banality points you immediately gain.


Primal Bunks require the attainment and use of a natural element. For higher level Bunks, the natural object must be crafted in some manner.



Requirement Examples
-1 Common element
  • Listen to a seashell.
  • Shower subject with flower petals.
  • Imitate a bird call.
  • Willowbark:
  • Seashell:
  • Petal-rain:
  • Unseelie: Burn, Baby, Burn: Set fire to something.
  • Boggan: Home Cookin': Eat a muffin you baked yourself.
  • Eshu: Mmmm Yummy: Eat a bug.
  • Nocker: Oh Gross!: Smear mud on your face and on your target.
  • Pooka: Bob-White: Imitate a bird call.
  • Redcap: See Food: Chew something up then spit it out.
  • Satyr: Loves Me, Love Me Not: Pull petals off a flower while saying, loves me, loves me not.
  • Sidhe: A Rose is a Rose: Give your subject a rose.
  • Sluagh: Drippy Wax: Drip hot wax on your hand.
  • Troll: Chug-a-lug: Quaff an alcoholic beverage.
-2 Uncommon element
  • Sprinkle subject with fresh spring water.
  • Eat a cake made with many spices.
  • Lick a jewel and press it to your target.
  • Heather-wreath:
  • Soothing Balm:
  • Honeycup:
  • Unseelie: Lick It: Lick something lasciviously.
  • Unseelie: Primitive Instinct: Pound on something like a drum and chant.
  • Boggan: Sugar 'n Spice: Sprinkle sugar on your subject.
  • Eshu: Firelight: Make a small fire.
  • Nocker: Uri's Silver Drawer: Bend three spoons.
  • Pooka: Clover Salad: Make a salad of dandelion leaves and four-leaf clovers.
  • Redcap: Rip it Up: Tear clothing, preferably your subject's.
  • Satyr: Drinking Buddies: Drink half of a drink; share the other half with (or pour it on) your target.
  • Sidhe: Getting Back to Nature: Roll in grass, leaves or a flower bed.
  • Sluagh: My Preciouss: Lick a piece of jewelry and press it to your target.
  • Troll: Berserker Rage: Charge at your subject shouting at the top of your lungs.
-3 Rare element
  • Shower target in four-leafed-clovers.
  • Burn mushrooms.
  • Pour curdled milk into a bowl.
  • Oakstaff:
  • Watchful Warder:
  • Draw the Line:
  • Unseelie: Leave Me Alone!: Stare psychotically and growl at another person in the game for 30 seconds.
  • Boggan: Berry Pick'n: Squash a berry then lick the juice off your fingers.
  • Eshu: Water Shell: Pour fresh water into a shell, then sprinkle it on the subject.
  • Nocker: Sculpting: Split a rock in two.
  • Pooka: Foul Stench: Burn the fur of an animal (not your own).
  • Redcap: Java Man: Spill piping-hot black coffee on your target.
  • Satyr: Sudden Growth: Plant a seed.
  • Sidhe: Strength of Oaks-to-Be: Split an acorn with a sword. Give both halves to your target.
  • Sluagh: Fugus Smoke: Burn mushrooms.
  • Troll: Trim: Trim a bit of your beard or hair; sprinkle it on your target.
-4 Crafted uncommon element
  • Strike subject with a whip with a holly bough crafted at the end.
  • Cut your wrist with a fingernail; drip the blood on subject.
  • Break a solid oak branch with your bare hands.
  • Holly-whip:
  • Self-Scarification:
  • Tears of Rage:
  • Unseelie: Shatterstorm: Break a glass bottle.
  • Boggan: Curds: Pour curdled milk into a bowl.
  • Eshu: Burned in Effigy: Destroy a mask that somehow depicts your target.
  • Nocker: Art Critic: Sculpt a modeling clay likeness of your target and creatively smash it.
  • Pooka: Honey Drop: Drip honey on a piece of bark.
  • Redcap: Bloody Faucet: Cut your wrist with your fingernail and drip blood on your subject.
  • Satyr: Lords of the Sky: Frighten a flock of birds.
  • Sidhe: Petal Dew: Drink the dew from a flower.
  • Sluagh: How to Eat Fried Worms: Eat a worm.
  • Troll: Mighty Hands: Tear a phone book in half.
-5 Crafted rare element
  • Massage someone with scented oils.
  • Bite the head off a small animal.
  • Tightly grasp a rod covered in thorns.
  • Elder-ring:
  • Etch and Sketch:
  • Strange Brew:
  • Unseelie: Defacement: Change a picture of one thing into a picture of something else.
  • Boggan: Witches Brew: Make a poultice from three different herbs; spread on your subject.
  • Eshu: Blood and Thorns: Tightly grasp a rod covered in thorns.
  • Nocker: Liquid Metal: Melt a piece of jewelry made of precious metal.
  • Pooka: Animal Farm: Pet an animal of your affinity.
  • Redcap: Snack Time: Bite the head off a small animal.
  • Satyr: Masseuse: Massage someone with scented oils.
  • Sidhe: Scourge of Truth: Firmly grasp something that hurts (cold, heat, thorns, nettles).
  • Sluagh: Eye Spy: Touch an eyeball to your subject.
  • Troll: Home Hearth: Rub ashes from a fire made in your home on your arms and face.


Fire is almost always part of a Pyretics bunk.



Requirement Examples
-1 Flick Your Bic
  • Light a lighter
  • Light a match
-2 Burn Baby Burn
  • Perform an anachronistic dance such as leaping through a bonfire
  • Burn a small object
-3 Dragon Breath
  • Spit out a swig of alcohol and light it on fire
  • Burn a larger object
-4 Insurance Nightmare
  • Burn a valuable object
  • Burn a large object
-5 Guy Fawkes
  • Sculpt a candle replica of your target and burn it down to a stub


Soothsay Bunks require the use of divination items or at higher levels the actual performance of divination.



Requirement Examples
-1 Minor divination object
  • Carefully tear a four-leafed clover into four separate pieces.
  • Gaze into a quartz crystal.
  • Roll a pair of dice.
  • Lucky Charms:
  • Crystal Blue:
  • Dragon Bones:
  • Unseelie: Condescend: Pat someone on the head.
  • Boggan: Stone Toss: Throw a stone into the air, then pick it up.
  • Eshu: 52 Pickup: Toss a deck of cards into the air.
  • Nocker: I've Gotta Admit It: Say something nice about your target. Sincerely.
  • Pooka: Lucky Charms: Rub a rabbit's foot.
  • Redcap: In this Sign Thou Shalt Conquer: Make an obscene gesture.
  • Satyr: Round and Round We Go: Run counterclockwise around your target.
  • Sidhe: Luck's Scent: Dab a bit of subtle perfume on your target.
  • Sluagh: Nice Puppy: Stroke animal fur.
  • Troll: Blue Skies: Focus on a reflection of the sky.
-2 Major divination object
  • Hold a lock of your subject's hair.
  • Shuffle a deck of Tarot cards.
  • Rattle a bag of runes.
  • Snap-bone:
  • Photo Shoot:
  • Burning Issues:
  • Unseelie: Shattered Visage: Draw a picture of someone and tear it up. (Alternative: Just pace for three minutes. It drives gamers crazy.)
  • Boggan: Poor House: Burn money, then blow on the ashes.
  • Eshu: Boxcars: Roll two dice until you get doubles.
  • Nocker: Ice Cubes: Toss several crystals to the ground.
  • Pooka: Egg Spin: Spin an egg.
  • Redcap: Ptui: Spit in a footprint.
  • Satyr: You'll be Sorry: Warn someone not to do something.
  • Sidhe: Memento Mori: Read an epitaph (must be different each time).
  • Sluagh: Hate Mail: Write a nasty letter and place it near the target.
  • Troll: It Shall be Done: Break a glass filled with wine on the ground.
-3 Perform a simple divination
  • Scatter runes on the ground and read them.
  • Stare into the shards of a broken mirror.
  • Lay out a 10-card Tarot spread.
  • Cauldron Scry:
  • Tea with the Black Dragon:
  • Seven-Year Gaze:
  • Unseelie: Ambient Aroma: Burn a stick of incense.
  • Boggan: Chicken Scratch: Draw a picture of your subject in the dirt.
  • Eshu: Reading Corner: Read a random page from a book out loud.
  • Nocker: Pieces o' Eight: Break a gold coin in half.
  • Pooka: Ooh, Fresh Paint: Leave muddy pawprints/hoofprints on a clean wall.
  • Redcap: Bone Snap: Break a bone (this can be your own, someone else's or any bone you can get hold of).
  • Satyr: Feather Flurry: Tear up a down pillow and scatter the contents.
  • Sidhe: Drawing Down the Moon: Look at the moon (a picture will do).
  • Sluagh: Ink Blot: Smash a vial of ink and put your hand in it.
  • Troll: Stardust: Powder a gemstone.
-4 Perform a complex divination
  • Perform an I Ching reading.
  • Burn a bag filled with chicken bones, beads, and beans.
  • Sprinkle blood onto the sand and read the pattern.
  • The Celtic Cross:
  • The Oracle Says:
  • Mojo-Bag:
  • Unseelie: Tides of Time: Quaff all of a large drink without taking a breath. (Alternative: Hold your breath for 30 seconds, or down a 12-ounce soda in one gulp.)
  • Boggan: Shooter: Shoot marbles.
  • Eshu: Johnny Appleseed: Count the seeds in an apple.
  • Nocker: Mud Fight: Splatter your subject with mud.
  • Pooka: Snail Trail: Watch the trail of three snails (slugs will do in a pinch).
  • Redcap: Head Rush: Hang upside down until you get a head rush.
  • Satyr: Down She Goes: Light an alcoholic drink on fire, then drink it.
  • Sidhe: Hand of Fate: Choose a tarot card to represent your subject, then tear it up and burn it.
  • Sluagh: Ollie's Bane: Paste together a shredded document.
  • Troll: Futhark Fate: Handcraft a set of runes and cast them.
-5 Perform an extended divination
  • Perform a crystal divination.
  • Chew the wax of a candle burned for seven days.
  • Create a voodoo doll of your subject.
  • Soul-doll:
  • Seven-Day Candle:
  • Bloodmark:
  • Unseelie: Taroticum: Give a Tarot reading. (Alternative: Pretend to give a Tarot reading.)
  • Boggan: Excelsior: Draw a 2-page comic about your target.
  • Eshu: Spilt Blood: Pour blood into a cup then spill it on the ground.
  • Nocker: Birthstar: Locate your subject's birthstar in the sky or on a star map.
  • Pooka: Wrap a Red Ribbon: Tie a red ribbon around a rowan branch; cut at midnight.
  • Redcap: Entrail Poke: Rip the entrails out of a living creature.
  • Satyr: Bat an Eye: Count the eyelashes on your subject, or yourself.
  • Sidhe: Rainbow Drink: Grind gemstones of the colors of the rainbow into powder, then stir into a glass of wine and drink it.
  • Sluagh: Charlotte's Web: Cut down a spider web without breaking it.
  • Troll: Savage Beast: Destroy an object of value.


Sovereign Bunks require that one conducts themself in the manner of royalty or adorns themself in royal garments.



Requirement Examples
-1 Simple word or gesture
  • Speak with an affected accent.
  • Put on a pair of spotless white gloves.
  • Salute the subject.
  • White Gloves:
  • Ask Nicely:
  • Badge of Honor:
  • Unseelie: Crack the Whip: Make the sound of a whip cracking.
  • Boggan: Mad! Mad! Mad!: Stamp your foot on the ground and shout.
  • Eshu: Facepainting: Paint your face.
  • Nocker: Ahem, AHEM: Clear your throat noisily.
  • Pooka: Impersonation: Introduce yourself with a false title.
  • Redcap: Tooth File: Sharpen your teeth on a rock.
  • Satyr: Fair Greeting: Kiss the hand of someone of the opposite sex.
  • Sidhe: Your Majesty: Introduce yourself in a formal manner.
  • Sluagh: What's in my Pocket?: Pull something gross out of your pocket.
  • Troll: Show Some Respect: Salute your target.
-2 Make a commanding statement
  • Break a glass of wine on the ground.
  • Issue an order.
  • Gesture with an ornate rod in hand
  • Speak Softly:
  • Endearment:
  • Ringing Shout:
  • Unseelie: Attention: Clap your hands three times and whisper your request.
  • Boggan: Rulership: Hold an ornate rod in your hand.
  • Eshu: Legalese: Reason with your target, using a Latin legal term correctly.
  • Nocker: Ring-a-ding-ding: Sound a gong.
  • Pooka: Mockery: Mock a noble.
  • Redcap: Grab the Remote: Point a remote control at your target and press a button.
  • Satyr: Me Tarzan: Pound on your chest.
  • Sidhe: Regal Plait: Braid a lock of your hair.
  • Sluagh: Dragon's Breath: Blow smoke in the direction of your subject.
  • Troll: Tied in Knots: Braid your beard (or hair) in an intricate pattern; add a ribbon.
-3 Adorn a garment
  • Touch a jeweled necklace crafted by a friend.
  • Apply intricate make-up to your face.
  • Draw a rune on the ground.
  • Finery:
  • Aura:
  • Hangers-On:
  • Unseelie: The Battered Childling: Mutilate a doll.
  • Boggan: Heads!: Flip a coin and correctly call it.
  • Eshu: Frankincense and Myrrh: Engulf your subject(s) in a cloud of incense.
  • Nocker: Trinket: Touch a jeweled necklace crafted by a friend.
  • Pooka: Call of the Wild: Cry out like an animal.
  • Redcap: Hole in the Wall: Punch a wall.
  • Satyr: Mark Your Territory: 'Nuff said.
  • Sidhe: Herald's Bane: Announce everything you're doing in a grandiose manner.
  • Sluagh: Funny Face: Apply intricate make-up to your face.
  • Troll: Runic Mark: Draw a rune on the ground (must be different every time).
-4 Issue a proclamation
  • Stand on a chair & recite Shakespeare.
  • Sweep someone off their feet for a long, passionate kiss.
  • Tell a story with a moral.
  • Gilded Cross:
  • Ashes in the Corner:
  • By Signet Sealed:
  • Unseelie: Entrance Denied: Seal the door that leads into the room you're occupying. (Alternative: Use tape or stack chairs.)
  • Boggan: Statue: Stand perfectly still with your eyes closed for at least a minute.
  • Eshu: Storytime: Tell a story (must be different every time.)
  • Nocker: Cap of Royalty: Wear a crown.
  • Pooka: Hoighty Toighty: Speak with a lisp for the duration of the cantrip.
  • Redcap: Golden Guts: Eat gold or another precious metal.
  • Satyr: V-J Day: Sweep someone off their feet and into a long passionate kiss.
  • Sidhe: Friends Romans: Stand on a chair and recite Shakespeare.
  • Sluagh: Push Here, Pull There: Open a Chinese puzzle box (a different one each time).
  • Troll: Wood Splitter: Break a tree branch (or any piece of wood).
-5 Make an oath or vow
  • Henceforth call subject by a new name.
  • Swear loyalty to your subject.
  • Make an oath to kill your subject.
  • Quest-Gift:
  • Renaming:
  • Honor the Four Winds:
  • Unseelie: Soliloquy: You've got the stage for three entire minutes. Stand before a crowd and explain why you're such a bastard. (Alternative: Stand on your chair and declaim, or turn out the lights, stand in a spotlight, and give your pitch.)
  • Boggan: Silence: Cause everyone within ear shot to be silent, then shout.
  • Eshu: Regal Garb: Wear finery associated with the nobility.
  • Nocker: Fatal Flaw: Break a weapon.
  • Pooka: See The Resemblance?: Pat an animal of the same type as your affinity.
  • Redcap: Tie Die: Soak a cap in blood and place it on your head.
  • Satyr: Rub-a-Dub: Take a long, luxurious bath with expensive oils and towel off with silks, all the while chanting your subject's name.
  • Sidhe: Character Actor: Read aloud a passage from a play, substituting your target's name for the name of an appropriate person or thing in the play proper.
  • Sluagh: Spitting Tacks: Spit tacks onto the ground.
  • Troll: This I Swear: Make an oath.

Tale Craft[]

Tale Craft

Tale Craft Bunks involves displays of talent and wordplay, whether through telling stories, singing songs, reading poetry, writing tales, or other narrative expressions.


Wayfare Bunks require that the changeling physically move their body in some manner; anything from a simple jump to leaping and spinning in the air and landing on their head. Higher levels require a prop of some sort.



Requirement Examples
-1 Simple, quick movement
  • Jump in the air.
  • Point at the place you want to be.
  • Stare up at the sky.
  • Runemarks:
  • Tattoo You:
  • Shatterglass:
  • Unseelie: Earthquake: Jump off your chair onto the floor.
  • Boggan: Gordian Boy Scout: Tie your shoe laces in triple knots.
  • Eshu: Skygazing: Stare up at the sky.
  • Nocker: Three Step: Take three even paces.
  • Pooka: Spin and Paint: Spin in a circle while flicking paint all about you.
  • Redcap: Butterflies: Eat a butterfly.
  • Satyr: Tweak: Pluck three hairs from your body and cast them on the wind.
  • Sidhe: Sailing to Byzantium: Set a leaf or flower afloat on water.
  • Sluagh: Home Sweet Home: Stare at a picture of a place you love.
  • Troll: Compass: Draw a compass on the ground.
-2 Movement with multiple actions. Simple movement with prop
  • Eat three glazed doughnuts at the same time.
  • Flap your arms like a giant bird.
  • Eat a butterfly.
  • Don't Inhale:
  • Captain Puff Puff:
  • Krispy Kreaming:
  • Unseelie: Flash!: Emit a bright burst of light by a method of your choice. (Alternative: Use flash paper or gradually dim the lights in the room throughout the course of the story and then suddenly turn them up to their brightest.)
  • Boggan: Shroud: Place a hood on your head.
  • Eshu: Fly Away: Flap your arms like a giant bird.
  • Nocker: Ring Toss: Toss a metal ring in the air.
  • Pooka: Yabba-Dabba: Sing a Saturday morning cartoon theme song.
  • Redcap: Get a Life!: Throw away something faddish or in style.
  • Satyr: Work Those Thighs: Do ten jumping-jacks.
  • Sidhe: Hell-bent: Run directly into the wind.
  • Sluagh: Arcane Symbol: Draw an arcane symbol (must be different every time).
  • Troll: Chiropody: Tear the heels off a pair of high-heeled shoes.
-3 Action changes current location
  • Pass through a door
  • Jump out a window
  • Jump over a hedge or fence
  • Lose a Key:
  • Graffiti:
  • Three Stones:
  • Unseelie: Fire, Walk with Me: Leap through flame. (Alternatives: Dangle a miniature of your character over a cigarette lighter, or leap over people lying on the floor.)
  • Boggan: Zoom: Do cartwheels.
  • Eshu: I am a Silver Key: Paint a key on your target with silver paint.
  • Nocker: London Bridge: Pass under an archway.
  • Pooka: Up, Up and Away: Blow up a balloon and let it float away.
  • Redcap: Itinerary: Name off every place you've been today.
  • Satyr: Borderlands: Walk on the edge between two places.
  • Sidhe: Traveling Music: Play live or recorded music appropriate to traveling.
  • Sluagh: Little Brother's Blackmail: Read aloud from someone else's private diary (a different entry each time).
  • Troll: Salty Air: Toss salt into the air.
-4 Action involving great physical force
  • Jump off a three-story building.
  • Trace a route on a map in blood.
  • Make a pile of sand in your hand & blow it off.
  • Birds of a Feather:
  • Spinning Top:
  • High Jump:
  • Unseelie: Immolate: Draw a picture of where you're standing, then burn it.
  • Boggan: In a Circle I Stand: Draw a circle on the ground then stand in it.
  • Eshu: Phone Home: Make a call to a place you would like to be.
  • Nocker: E=mc2: Perform a complex mathematical equation (Storyteller's choice).
  • Pooka: Catch a Critter: Catch a small creature (bug, frog, fish, etc.).
  • Redcap: Bloody Trail: Trace a route on a map in blood.
  • Satyr: Yank: Put duct tape on your leg; rip it off.
  • Sidhe: Pursue the Horizon: Draw a map to an imaginary place.
  • Sluagh: Snuff: Put out a candle with your fingers.
  • Troll: Gusty Winds: Make a small pile of sand in the palm of your hand then blow it away.
-5 Action involves a prop
  • Thrust a blade into the floor.
  • Watch the shadow of a fixed object shift location.
  • Draw a face on an egg and then break the egg.
  • Mark a Map:
  • Sword in the Stone:
  • Geode Pair:
  • Unseelie: Flashing Blades: Slash two blades together, as if sharpening them. (Alternatives: Use butter knives, chopsticks or pencils.)
  • Unseelie: Paper Chase: Chase an innocent bystander around the room. (Alternatives: Chase someone who is watching the game, but not participating, around the room.)
  • Boggan: Drunken Sot: Drink a pint of ale without stopping.
  • Eshu: Due North: Walk three paces due north, then jump into the air.
  • Nocker: It's For You - I Think: Leave a cryptic message on a complete stranger's answering machine.
  • Pooka: Ministry of Silly Walks: Do three silly walks.
  • Redcap: Road Kill: Run across a busy street.
  • Satyr: Pretty Pattern: Shave a pattern on your leg.
  • Sidhe: Follow the Sun: Watch the shadow of a fixed object shift location.
  • Sluagh: Humpty Dumpty: Draw a face on an egg then break it over your head; drink the yolk.
  • Troll: Road Rash: Tear up a piece of flooring or pavement.

Noble Bunks[]

Bunks employed by the nobility are usually more "dignified" than those employed by most commoners. This allows a noble to cast his cantrips without having to lose composure while doing so.




Requirement Examples
-1 Clock Stop
  • Destroy a time piece.
-2 Dust in the Wind
  • Toss some hourglass sand into the air.
-3 A Stitch in Time
  • Tear a piece of your clothing.
-4 Möebius Loop
  • Make a Möebius strip out of paper, then destroy it.
-5 Palindrome
  • Pick another Bunk card and perform it, then do it backward to the best of your ability.


Dream Craft


Requirement Examples
-1 Masque
  • Put on a fancy party mask.
-2 Silver Wire
  • Wrap a piece of silver wire around a piece of wood. Unwrap it when you wish to cast the cantrip.
-3 Verbal Glyph
  • Intone one of the ancient sidhe words of power. (All nobles know a few and they're very impressive to commoners.)
-4 Stolen Kiss
  • Steal a passionate kiss with another changeling.
-5 Recite Lineage
  • Recite your family tree. Due to the impressively long lineage of most sidhe, this is not a combat bunk.

Unseelie Bunks[]




Requirement Examples
-1 I Know My Rights
  • Make a flag and burn it.
-2 Prodigious Digit
  • Extend your middle finger.
-3 Power to the People
  • Get at least five people to chant a slogan.
-4 Approach the Bench
  • Make a mockery of a courtroom scene.
-5 Indoctrination
  • Lead a procession with chanting and candles.




Requirement Examples
-1 Poker Face
  • Beam at someone innocently.
-2 Grand Masque
  • Hide behind a mask or veil.
-3 Tale of Woe
  • Make up a tragic tale to gain someone's pity and complicity.
-4 Rarionale
  • Explain why your request is absolutely necessary.
-5 Confession
  • Kneel and confess your transgressions before another fae.

Nunnehi Bunks[]

Most Nunnehi bunks are drawn from tribal customs, although some are more general. A Song of Power of various lengths is always appropriate.

Nunnehi Chicanery[]

As with the Kithain, Nunnehi Chicanery bunks are based in communication.



Requirement Examples
-1 Symbols
  • Knot-tying: Fashion an elaborate knot out of rope or twine
  • Feathering: Cut a notch in a feather and paint it
-2 Simple Speech
  • Chant: Intone a tribal chant
  • Beadwork: String together colored beads into a bracelet and twist it to enact the song
-3 Campfire Creativity
  • Mask Your Intentions: Wear a mask made of feathers or another natural substance
  • Maize Gift: Touch subject with a piece of food made from corn
-4 Long Story
  • Sing: Sing a song describing your intentions
-5 Ceremony
  • Storytelling: Make up a story and tell it
  • Courtship Dance: Perform a dance directed to your subject

Nunnehi Legerdemain[]

Gesture and touch are the foundation of Legerdemain for the Nunnehi as well





Requirement Examples
-1 Touch or Gesture
  • Count Coup: Get the better of someone verbally
  • Counting Coup: touch someone unawares
  • Sign Language: Sign or mimic your intentions
-2 Simple Craft
  • Weaving: Weave together several strands of reeds, grasses, or string
-3 Special Craft
  • Make a Doll: Shape a doll from corn husks, straw, or grasses
-4 Performance
  • Through the Hoop: Perform the steps of a hoop dance
-5 Ceremony
  • Shapes in the Smoke: Inhale the fumes from a smudge pot

Nunnehi Primal[]

Nunnehi Primal bunks are almost the same, just more attached to a Nunnehi's culture.



Requirement Examples
-1 Nature's kin
  • Mimic Nature's Voice: Mimic the call of a bird or animal
  • Animal Seeming: Mimic the actions of a living creature
-2 Weal
  • Drive Away the Foe: Shake a medicine rattle
  • Sweat Lodge: Create a mini sweat lodge out of sticks
-3 Woe
  • Broken Arrow: Point an arrow at your foe and break it
  • War Dance: Perform the steps of a war dance
-4 Prepare for war
  • Arrowhead: Carve an arrowhead from flint or wood and prick your finger on the tip
  • War Cry: Shout a war cry at the top of your lungs
-5 Ceremony
  • Totem Carving: Fashion a totem figure from wood
  • Ritual Bath: Bathe in clear water from a natural source

Nunnehi Soothsay[]

Traditional foretelling tools or luck items are all part of Nunnehi Soothsay bunks





Requirement Examples
-1 Symbol
  • Gift of the Feather: Give the subject a feather from a "lucky bird"
-2 Intimidate
  • Belittle the Foe: Insult your subject outrageously
  • Tomahawk Throw: Throw a tomahawk towards your foe (You need not try to hit them)
-3 Minor Foretelling
  • Listen to the Wind: Cup your hand around your ear and listen to the wind
-4 Major Foretelling
  • Read the Sands: Dribble colored sand onto the ground and read the patterns
-5 Ordeal
  • Ordeal: Perform a test of your physical mettle
  • Sun Dance: Participate in the Sun Dance

Nunnehi Sovereign[]

Native shows of power and ritual are used by the Nunnehi for their Arts of rulership.



Requirement Examples
-1 Ritual Object
  • Peace Pipe: Blow smoke from a peace pipe towards the subject
-2 Prowess
  • Announce Your Prowess: Boast about your strongest talent
-3 Ritual Act
  • Remember the Ancestors: Recite your lineage as completely as possible
  • Eagle Dance: Perform the steps of the Eagle Dance
-4 Invocation
  • Invoke the Spirits: Formally address the spirits of the unseen world and ask their blessing on your endeavor
-5 Potlatch
  • Potlatch: Offer your target something of true value
  • Potlatch: Bury a sacred item near your subject

Spirit Link[]

Spirit Link bunks tend to incorporate object of spiritual significance to the nunnehi's personal tribe of origin or that of their Family.

Spirit Link


Requirement Examples
-1 Whistle Song
  • Blow through a whistle made from a bird bone
  • Beat a drum
-2 Pottery Craft
  • Fashion a statuette that resembles the spirit out of colored clay
  • Display the spirit's material or spiritual correspondence
-3 Offering
  • Burn something of personal value
  • Burn tobacco or sage
-4 Medicine Bag
  • Remove a random object from your medicine bag and destroy it completely or throw it away
-5 Rattle the Bones
  • Cut fifty small plugs of flesh from your arms and legs, let them dry, and place them inside a rattle with several small animal bones. Shake the rattle to enact the song of power.
  • Perform the Sun Dance

Nunnehi Wayfare[]

Again, cultural norms prevail in these bunks.



Requirement Examples
-1 Paint the Face
  • Paint the Face: Ritually decorate your face with paint
-2 Distant act
  • Arrow Flight: Shoot an arrow in the direction of your intended target
  • Beat the Drum: Beat a small skin drum
-3 Artistry
  • Painted Rocks: Arrange several hand-painted stones in a row near your target
  • Rawhide Painting: Paint the scene envisioned on rawhide with natural dyes and feathers
-4 Wings of the Eagle
  • Wings of the Eagle: Hold three eagle feathers in each hand
-5 Ceremony
  • Fancy Dance: Perform the steps of an intricate tribal dance

Menehune Bunks[]

Menehune Chicanery[]



Requirement Examples
-1 Knot-tying
  • Fashion an elaborate knot out of rope or twine.
-2 Chant
  • Intone a tribal chant.
-3 Lono Gift
  • Touch subject with a piece of food.
-4 Sing
  • Sing a song describing your intentions.
-5 Storytelling
  • Make up a story and tell it.

Menehune Legerdemain[]



Requirement Examples
-1 Sign Language
  • Sign or mimic your intentions.
-2 Weaving
  • Weave together several strands of reeds, grasses or string.
-3 Mold a Doll
  • Shape a doll from mud.
-4 Shake
  • Perform a vigorous dance.
-5 Shapes in the Sand
  • Draw shapes in the sand or dirt.

Menehune Primal[]



Requirement Examples
-1 Animal Seeming
  • Mimic the actions of an animal.
-2 Paint
  • Paint a petroglyph on a nearby object.
-3 Broken stick
  • Point a stick at your foe and break it.
-4 Shark Tooth
  • Fetch a shark's tooth. Touch your finger to its tip when you wish to enact the Bunk.
-5 Totem Carving
  • Fashion a totem figure from wood.

Menehune Soothsay[]



Requirement Examples
-1 Gift of the Feather
  • Give your subject a feather from a "lucky" bird.
-2 Stick Throw
  • Throw a club or stick in the direction of your foe. You need not try to actually hit your foe.
-3 Listen to the Wind
  • Cup your hand around your ear and try to hear the sound of the wind.
-4 Read the sands
  • Dribble colored sand onto the ground and read the patterns they form.
-5 Ordeal
  • Hold your hand in an open flame or perform some other test of your physical mettle.

Menehune Sovereign[]



Requirement Examples
-1 Poi pot
  • Dip your finger in a pot of poi, pull it out and lick the poi from your finger.
-2 Announce Your Prowess
  • Boast about your strongest talents.
-3 Remember the Ancestors
  • Recite your lineage as completely as possible.
-4 Invoke the Spirits
  • Formally address the spirits of the unseen world and ask their blessing on your endeavor.
-5 Lu'au
  • Offer your target something of true value, by burying it neat or in your subject of your subject is a place or inanimate thing.

Menehune Wayfare[]



Requirement Examples
-1 Pull on the Cloak
  • Ritually adorn yourself with a feather cloak.
-2 Beat the Drum
  • Beat a small skin drum.
-3 Palm Painting
  • Paint the scene you envision on palm leaves with natural dyes and a feather.
-4 Wings of the Hawk
  • Hold three hawk feathers in each hand.
-5 Hula
  • Execute the steps of an intricate hula dance.

