Building a Legend is a sourcebook for Beast: The Primordial which focuses on how players and storytellers collaborate to create a satisfying chronicle. While much of the information is Beast-specific, such as the chapter on the Primordial Dream, the general advice can be used for any Chronicles of Darkness game.
- why should the Storyteller have all the fun?
- The whole troupe should get in on the action, making for a chronicle that reflects the preferences and predilections of all the players.
- Building a Legend is a guide for doing exactly that — making a cohesive chronicle, starting with character creation, for Beast: The Primordial. It includes advice on creating Storyteller characters, folding in real world history, and populating the Primordial Dream.
Part One: Region[]
This section provides guidance for creating the physical region in which the chronicle takes place — from brainstorming and researching a likely location to working together to describe the noteworthy people and landmarks within it.
Part Two: Primordial Dream[]
This section adds another dimension to the region’s landscape. It includes advice for describing a local dreamscape and Hive, designing the brood’s Lair and its Chambers, and developing new, unclaimed Chambers for the Children to investigate, explore, and conquer.
Part Three: Chronicle[]
This part provides advice for Storytellers on taking all the ideas the players came up with to weave together a chronicle that hangs together as a coherent story. It addresses some of the questions of crossover chronicles and includes some broader considerations and Storyteller tricks to make running a chronicle a little bit easier.
This book was one of the stretch goals for the Beast Kickstarter in 2015. The PDF was released early to backers.
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