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Building a Legend is a sourcebook for Beast: The Primordial which focuses on how players and storytellers collaborate to create a satisfying chronicle. While much of the information is Beast-specific, such as the chapter on the Primordial Dream, the general advice can be used for any Chronicles of Darkness game.


...so why should the Storyteller have all the fun?
The whole troupe should get in on the action, making for a chronicle that reflects the preferences and predilections of all the players.
Building a Legend is a guide for doing exactly that — making a cohesive chronicle, starting with character creation, for Beast: The Primordial. It includes advice on creating Storyteller characters, folding in real world history, and populating the Primordial Dream.



Part One: Region[]

This section provides guidance for creating the physical region in which the chronicle takes place — from brainstorming and researching a likely location to working together to describe the noteworthy people and landmarks within it.

Part Two: Primordial Dream[]

This section adds another dimension to the region’s landscape. It includes advice for describing a local dreamscape and Hive, designing the brood’s Lair and its Chambers, and developing new, unclaimed Chambers for the Children to investigate, explore, and conquer.

Part Three: Chronicle[]

This part provides advice for Storytellers on taking all the ideas the players came up with to weave together a chronicle that hangs together as a coherent story. It addresses some of the questions of crossover chronicles and includes some broader considerations and Storyteller tricks to make running a chronicle a little bit easier.


This book was one of the stretch goals for the Beast Kickstarter in 2015. The PDF was released early to backers.

Previous book:

BTP: Night Horrors: Conquering Heroes Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!

Game Books

Beast: The Primordial books

Next book:

BTP: Beast Player's Guide Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
