Bernard Cordeval, Elodoth member of the Brotherhood of the Crossed Swords
The Brotherhood of the Crossed Swords is a Latin American lodge who believe in order through power.
As they tell is, the founders of the Brotherhood came to the Americas with the Spanish conquistadors, and for much the same reasons: they needed territory of their own, and established packs in the Old World did not want to yield any. They deny culpability for the genocide that followed, but at the same time they insist that the Aztecs and other indigenous people were allied with the Pure Tribes. The Brotherhood takes credit for stamping out Pure influence in the region and defeating the semi-mythical "jaguar folk" of the jungles. To them, the ends justify any means.
The patron spirits of the lodge are the ancestor-spirits of its five founders. They recruit only those who have a measure of temporal power in society, and use strong-man tactics to maintain that power. Their roles in the drug trade and military dictatorships disgust many other Forsaken, but the Brotherhood regard these as necessary evils.[1]
Game Mechanics[]
Glory ••, Politics ••, Resources ••, Presence or Composure •••, Contacts (Criminal or Governmental) •••
The Lodge’s network of connections on both sides of the law gives the character an extra dot of Resources (but cannot raise the Merit above five dots). In addition, members may purchase new Contacts and Allies in their sphere of influence at a reduced rate, new dots x1 instead of new dots x2.
- ↑ WTF: Blasphemies, p. 90-91