White Wolf Wiki

Broken Tooth (Zi'ira Zu) is a Forest-Spirit.


Broken Tooth is a savage puma-spirit, spawned by victims of the war on predators that swept America during the early part of the 20th century. Every time a puma fell to a hunter's traps, Broken Tooth became a little bit stronger, to the point where it has now become a lesser Jaggling stalking what's left of North America's forests. It is a hungry spirit, but it pays no mind to other spirits, animals or even werewolves; only the blood of hunters can slake Broken Tooth's thirst, and these it pursues with awesome determination.

Broken Tooth is a spirit of violence, but he is not one that's likely to bother werewolves so long as they leave him alone. If they interfere with his hunts he will attack them, but otherwise he doesn't really care what they do. It's worth noting that he does make a distinction between those who kill for food and those who kill for sport/money; he won't attack Uratha who hunt their prey as wolves, but he will attack those who hunt using firearms, traps or the like.

While Broken Tooth is a North American spirit, similar spirits roam the wilds of Siberia (in the form of rabid wolves), Central Europe (speculation by those in the know indicates that the legendary Beast of Gevaudin might have been one such spirit) and Africa (though perhaps these are simply the ghosts of the infamous man-eaters Ghost and Darkness). All of them share similar statistics.


Broken Tooth appears as a powerfully built mountain lion with a broken lower tooth. Its fur is mangy, and it often bears the scars of a hunter's traps: bullet holes, mangled paws from bear traps, contorted muscles as a result of exposure to strychnine and so on. It weighs in excess of 300 pounds.


Rank: 3
Attributes: Power 9, Finesse 9, Resistance 7
Willpower: 16
Essence: 20 (max 20)
Initiative: 16
Defense: 9
Speed: 30
Size: 5
Corpus: 12
Influences: Wrath ***
Numina: Discorporation, Harrow, Materialize, Material Vision, Reaching
Ban: Despite its thirst for hunters' blood, Broken Tooth cannot abide the blood of innocents. It will not attack a foe who has never killed another (though "another" in this case is interpreted fairly loosely).


