The Broken Harp is an Unseelie Freehold in the city of Sligo in the Kingdom of Connaught.
Where the Unseelie Play[]

Just off O’Connell Street, sandwiched between a corner pub and a greengrocer’s shop, lies a shabby storefront, apparently closed for repairs or refurbishing. To enchanted eyes, though, the building appears in its true chimeric form as the Broken Harp, a gathering place for the local Unseelie Kithain. Although the bar is run by Lurgan, a redcap bartender, the unofficial movers and shakers of the Broken Harp are a pair of sidhe brothers, twins of House Ailil named Donal and Dougal.
Here, changelings dissatisfied with the stolid rule of King Fiachra or with the placid life dictated by their largely rural surroundings meet to discuss everything from insurrection to the coming Long Winter. Some, as in any drinking establishment, come merely to sample the local brew and listen to the rowdy music that often fills the freehold during evening hours. Mad Caitlin and the Drunken Poets, a band of Kithain musicians led by a charismatic wilder of House Leanhaun, sometimes raise the roof with their manic interpretations of traditional Irish ballads and reels.
Prominently displayed along the walls of the freehold are a series of imaginative, though irreverent or downright bawdy, paintings purported to be the work of Jeffrey Yeats, the poet’s “other, really talented brother.” In actuality, they are the offerings of Evin Delaney, a local eshu artist of Irish tinker stock.
- CTD: Immortal Eyes: Court of All Kings, p. 59.