Brain Eaters are powerful psychic fomori.
Brain Eaters are created under the aegis of Project Aeneid, the newest offering from Pentex’s Special Projects Division, combining Project Iliad with Project Odyssey (which awakens psychics' mental gifts).
Project Aeneid binds a special type of Bane known as a Mind Feeder into the psychic. The newly created fomor gains power in his psychic abilities and is able to force hallucinations onto others' minds, but must feed upon normal human brains at least once a week or begin to suffer (Taint: Addiction to brain eating). Using her mind powers also comes at a cost, often draining her physical capabilities (Taint: Physical Wasting).
Brain Eaters are the newest project undertaken by the Special Projects Division, and as such, they are completely untested, Psychics are rare to begin with and those who can tolerate the change into a fomor are rarer still. Pentex has no desire to waste all its psychics on a project that may prove to a failure. The first fomori from Project Aeneid are just now becoming ready for field testing.
Powers: (Required) Brain Eating; (Suggested) Mind Blast, Mind Rape, Nightmare Control
Taints: (Required) Addiction (human brains); (Suggested) Derangement
Special: All Brain Eaters retain whatever psychic powers they had before becoming fomori. Examples include telekinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, and pyrokinesis (a complete list of such powers can be found in Sorcerer Revised).
- WTA: Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori, p. 52
- WTA: Possessed, p. 34-35