Brad Butkovich worked for twelve years at White Wolf, 1994-2006. His official contributions include the following:
Based on the Work of:[]
- 2004/August 20: VTR: Vampire: The Requiem Rulebook
- 2004/August 21: CofD: World of Darkness: Storytelling System Rulebook
Special Thanks[]
- 1995/February: WTA: Get of Fenris Tribebook : Brad “Lost cause” Butkovich for all his Civil War books.
- 1995/March 15: VTM: Clanbook: Assamite - Brad "Chin" Butkovich, for the disappearing beard trick.
- 1995/May: MTAs: Ascension's Right Hand - Brad "Master Mail" Butkovich, for keeping our customers' credit cards occupied.
- 1995/July: VTM: The Inquisition : Eli, Brad, Josh, Wes, Christian, Diane, Sarah, Rob, Fred, Emory, Quintessential Mercy, Blue Blood and everyone else at the final bash.
- 1995/September: MTAs: Hidden Lore - Brad "Conan" Butkovich, for spreading NERO's gospel throughout the land.
- 1995/October 20: VTM: Clanbook: Tzimisce - Brad "The Accountant" Butkovich, for discovering the low, low cost of Fragile Path.
- 1995: CTD: Freeholds & Hidden Glens Brad “Cookie Report” Butkovitch, for his ramblings at the Wolfie awards.
- 1996/January 6: VTM: Prince's Primer - Brad “Alpha Mail” Butkovich, for finally asking the Net all about Wraith.
- 1996/July: WOD: World of Darkness: Midnight Circus : Brad “Glug-Glug” Butkovich, for gleefully reveling in carnage and bloodshed that has nothing to do with the Blue and the Gray.
- 1996/October: MTAs: Beyond the Barriers: The Book of Worlds - Brad "Asbestos Nightie" Butkovich, for tangling himself up in the Net.
- 1997/February 20: VTM: Clanbook: Ravnos - Brad "Seasick" Butkovich. Arr, take it easy on the grog, matie!
- 1997: WOD: World of Darkness: Mummy Second Edition - Brad "Musket Ball and Chain" Butkovich, for making his own personal Pickett's Charge into wedlock.
- 1998/August: WTWW: The Wild West Companion : Brad “That’s Not a Battle, That’s a Massacre” Butkovich, for his generous assists on historicity.