White Wolf Wiki

The Boston Camarilla, initially known as the Kindred of Liberty or KoL, was a faction of the Camarilla in the New England region of the United States. They were enemies of the British Camarilla.



The Camarilla of Boston were ruled by Prince Quentin King who was considered a puppet of the British Camarilla. Following his disappearance, the Kindred of Liberty group took power in Boston against the British Kindred and became the autonomous Boston Camarilla. All of the faction's elders have succumbed to the Beckoning, except for Galeb Bazory.

The Cave[]

The Cave is a surveillance unit within the Boston Tower created by Prince Hazel Iversen and led by Kaius Leto. Leto's team is composed of Nosferatu and only they have access to the security room.


The Boston Camarilla is on "Red Alert" since the loss of contact with the vampires in the Unification Party. As vampire agents are assigned with discovering the truth of the events, others begin destroying sensitive documents pertaining to the history of the Camarilla and its members.

After discovering the Second Inquisition's attack, Prince Iversen assigns Emem Louis to recruit the Boston Anarchs to attack the Inquisition's facility in Long Island to thin both their numbers.


  • Aatifa, Kindred
  • Betty, Richard Dunham's servant
  • Ch'in, Kindred
  • Anne Edison, agent of Kaius Leto
  • Edward, Kindred
  • Pavel Emlov, Elder; Embraced 1702 in Smolensk
  • Keltoum Hamdan, Kindred
  • Catherine Pi James, Elder; Embraced 1354 in Jerusalem
  • Natasha, Richard Dunham's servant; killed by the Second Inquisition
  • Abigail Nurmi, April Bosley's Kindred assistant
  • Benjamin Peckham, Elder; Embraced 1678 in London
  • Henry Donald Ross, Elder; Embraced 1684 in Plymouth
  • Lazarus Sheridan, Kindred and Archive caretaker
  • Sigtryggsdóttir, Kindred
  • Sofya, Jara Drory's assistant
  • Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, Ventrue Elder
  • Vincent Winfield, Henry Ross's childe; embraced in 2015
  • Nacera Yang, Elder; Embraced 1699 in Lisbon

