White Wolf Wiki

Boston is the capital city and most populous municipality of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the United States of America.


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Vampire: the Masquerade[]

The first Kindred in Boston was Madeline Coventry, a Tremere elder from the Winchester Chantry, in 1635.

Soon after the Ventrue established themselves in the city and came to dominate all of the Massachusetts colony after forcing the Tremere out. They also forced Brujah vampires from the city as well and set up a feeling of unrest which culminated in their losing control of the city to Brujah, Gangrel, and Malkavian factions during the American Revolution in 1783.

In the ensuing power vacuum, the Tremere reestablished themselves in the city and founded the Boston Chantry. This was also a period when the Sabbat, operating from Maine, began to attack Camarilla colonies throughout the Boston area. The Tremere Chantries in Boston and Salem quarreled for almost half a century before the Salem colony was overrun by the Sabbat in 1831. With the Tremere gone, the city became a stronghold of Malkavian power in New England until the modern nights.

Boston in modern nights has been home to several Kindred of note. The Prince of the city from 1825 to the end of the 20th century was Quentin King III, a Malkavian who kept the Sabbat hordes at bay, though he owed much of his power to the British elder William Biltmore. Many American vampires resent the British presence, however, and one of them, Battista Decamerone, formed the Kindred of Liberty to oppose their Triad. The head of the Giovanni clan in the city is Andreas Giovanni

The renowned Tzimisce known as Velya the Vivisectionist met his "bride" to be, Elaine Cassidy, and embraced her in this city. The Quabbin Reservoir along the Connecticut River is also a meeting place for Gangrel traveling through New England.

In 2019, the Boston Camarilla made a peace treaty with the Hartford Chantry uniting with the Unification Agreements. This was followed by a Code Red, when the Unification Party guests were butchered by the Second Inquisition under the Society of Leopold.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse[]


Garou glyph for "building".

Some Garou live west of Boston in the more sparsely populated Berkshire Hills and Hoosac Mountain foothills. The Quabbin Reservoir is also home to Lupines as well as the Gangrel.

The werewolves of Massachusetts maintain a caern at Lake Chaubunagungamaug on the Connecticut border, which is fiercely guarded from vampires from Boston.

Mage: The Ascension[]

There is a chapter of the Arcanum which operates in Boston, studying the occult history of New England, particularly the history of witchcraft in eastern Massachusetts and pre-colonial Native American shamanism.

There is a well known temple of the Ancient Order of the Aeon Rites located in the city called Saint Simon's Rest. It engages in works of charity and it is currently protected by a group of Bone Gnawers unbeknownst to the Order.

Wraith: The Oblivion[]

This is the city where the ubiquitous character Erik evidently lived before dying, and where he returned as a ghost afterwards.

Changeling: The Dreaming[]

The Fool's Gambit freehold is located within Boston.[1]

Hunter: The Reckoning[]


Mummy: The Resurrection[]


Demon: The Fallen[]

Yeshiniel holds some power in the Infernal Court of Boston.[2]






Minor characters[]

  • Ethan Adams, Jason Moore's house caretaker and butler[5]
  • Mia Anderson, police lieutenant[5]
  • Baker, police officer[5]
  • Édouard Berthollet, mortal guest at the Boston Unification Party[5]
  • Brian Brafford, blood vessel[5]
  • Donald Bryan, mortal guest at the Unification Party[5]
  • Cano, police officer[5]
  • Carmen, blood vessel; killed at the Unification Party[5]
  • Barbara Carr, mortal guest at the Unification Party[5]
  • Chavez, police forensics[5]
  • Emily Cottrel, staff at the Unification Party[5]
  • Crosby, police officer[5]
  • Edgar, police officer[5]
  • Tyler Hale, police officer[5]
  • Marvin Haney, blood vessel[5]
  • Karen Hill, mortal guest at the Unification Party[5]
  • Beau Hoagland, mortal guest at the Unification Party[5]
  • Newman, police officer[5]
  • Reyes, Boston police officer[5]
  • Benjamin Sager, mortal guest at the Unification Party[5]
  • Mary Sandoval, blood vessel[5]
  • Ruben Sexton, mortal guest at the Unification Party[5]
  • Robert Sigler, blood vessel[5]
  • Solenson, police forensics[5]
  • Mary Stanford, older sister of Walter Stanford[5]
  • Pierce Stanford, Catholic priest and uncle of Walter Stanford[5]
  • Walter Stanford, Sr., father of Walter Stanford[5]

