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The Books of Sorcery Volume 1: Wonders of the First Age is a supplement for Exalted Second Edition.


Monuments to First Age Ingenuity
At the height of the First Age, miraculous achievements were possible that are impossible in the fallen Age of Sorrows. But now, the past readies to give up its secrets to the returned Solar Exalted that they might remake Creation into a place of wonder once again.
The Wonders of the Lost Age are lost no more. Draw back the hazy veil of intervening centuries, and gaze on the marvels of the First Age. From power armor to unsinkable warships, and from Essence cannons to self-aware automata, this supplement has all the magitech items players and Storytellers might want and the rules for maintaining them.
A Tome of Wonders for Exalted®
  • Reveals the history of magitechnological development in Creation and just how far the current age has devolved
  • Details a myriad of magitech devices ranging from weapons of war to automata, including the mighty warstriders
  • First in the five-tome “Books of Sorcery” series
This book includes:
  • A plethora of First Age weapons, devices and vehicles suitable for any Exalted game
  • Complete rules for warstriders, including spiritually active ones



Chapter One: A History of Wonders[]

Details the rise and fall of magitechnology from its heights in the First Age to its near absence in the Age of Sorrows.

Chapter Two: The Purview of the Golden Barque[]

Various forms of First Age transport, from personal skycraft to armed and armored troop carriers.

Chapter Three: The Purview of the Cerulean Lute[]

Artifacts that were common fixtures in the daily lives of the people of the First Age.

Chapter Four: The Purview of the Crimson Panoply[]

Personal arms and armor commonly used in the First Age.

Chapter Five: The Purview of the Forbidding Manse[]

Golems, automata, constructed consciousnesses and artificial, which represented the pinnacle of the Twilights' art in the High First Age.

Chapter Six: The Purview of the Violet Bier[]

This chapter outlines a number of First Age weapons of mass destruction.

Appendix: Warstriders[]

Rules for constructing and fielding these titans of the First Age battlefield.




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Exalted: Exalted Second Edition Storytellers Screen
Game books
Exalted books
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Exalted: Compass of Terrestrial Directions Vol. 1: The Scavenger Lands Buy it from DriveThruRPG!