- See also: Book of the Wyrm (disambiguation)
Book of the Wyrm 20th Anniversary Edition, also W20 Book of the Wyrm, is the third edition of the Book of the Wyrm. This version adds new material such as new and/or revised fomori and spirits to challenge the Garou, including revised and collected info and backstory on such things as Pentex and Black Dog Game Factory.
From the Onyx Path catalog:
- Coils of the Corruptor
- From the Umbral realm of Malfeas to the boardrooms of Pentex and its subsidiaries, minions of the Wyrm plot to kill Gaia. Warped fomori, monstrous Banes, and Wyrm-tainted shapeshifters lash out at the world with acidic claws. The Maeljin Incarna steals the easily forgotten, ignored, or missed to populate their perverse realms. Factories belch smoke that blackens the sky, and toxic waste floods into rivers and seas. The heads of the Hydra see what they have done to the world and know that it is good.
- Strangling the World
- Once long ago, the Wyrm was an agent of Balance. Now, strangled by the Weaver's webs, it strikes out in madness and pain. If it can poison the world, sow cancer and disease throughout all that is, it might finally be free.
- Book of the Wyrm contains
- All-new lore and background on the corrupting Wyrm.
- Information on the Wyrm's minions, from fomori to Skull Pigs to Chulorviah.
- An in-depth look at the Black Spiral Dancers, twisted mockeries of Garou.
Introduction: The Wyrm's Call[]
Theme, mood and a summary for the book.
Chapter One: Lore of the Wyrm[]
This chapter covers the nature of the Wyrm itself: from the nature of the Beast itself to the Triatic Wyrm, the Urge Wyrm, and the lords of the Wyrm Elements. It then describes the landscape of Malfeas, including the towering palace of Number Two, the Duchies of the Maeljin Incarna, and the Black Spiral Labyrinth. It offers some hope to those who find themselves in that hellish realm, giving ideas for how the Garou might kill each of the Incarna — from Hellbringer to Number Two — and how they might escape into other, only relatively safer, realms.
Chapter Two: Pawns and Puppets[]
This chapter turns its attention to the Wyrm's main beachheads among the human realm: the many subsidiaries of Pentex. The chapter showcases the familiar great bastions of corporate malfeasance like Endron, Magadon, and King Breweries, as well as new acquisitions like the RED Network and Incognito. It then turns its sights on the Board of Directors, showing what is new in the boardroom and what plans the Wyrm's champions have put in motion. Finally, it covers those people deluded enough to worship the Wyrm either directly or veiled in other cults.
Chapter Three: The Never-Ending Dance[]
This chapter looks closer at the Black Spiral Dancers, showing what actually caused a whole tribe of Garou to turn its back on Gaia and embrace the Wyrm. Going into greater detail than before on the Dancer's twisted relations with their Kinfolk, it also looks at the camps and outlooks prevalent among the Wyrm's wolves. It closes with a range of new Gifts and rites available to those who forsake Gaia entirely, or who risk their souls to learn their enemies' tricks.
- Homid Gifts
- Aura of Poison - Level One
- Power Surge - Level Two
- Call the Rust - Level Three
- Feast of the Man-Fleash - Level Four
- Metis Gifts
- Bleed - Level One
- Nobody's Bastard - Level Three
- Visceral Agony - Level Three
- Lupus Gifts
- Ways of the Urban Wolf - Level One
- Thousand Teeth - Level Three
- Instincts Unbound - Level Five
- Ragabash Gifts
- Bestowing the Predator's Shadow - Level One
- Cassandra's Blessing - Level Four
- Silver Reprisal - Level Four
- Patience of the Wyrm - Level Five
- Theurge Gifts
- Poisoned Gauntlet - Level Two
- Feast of Essence - Level Three
- Prelude to Apocalypse - Level Six
- Philodox Gifts
- Acid Talons - Level One
- Omen Claws - Level Five
- Galliard Gifts
- Howl of the Hunter - Level Two
- Shadows of the Impergium - Level Two
- Howl of Death - Level Four
- Madness - Level Five
- Ahroun Gifts
- Acid Talons - Level One
- Tar Shadow - Level Two
- Visceral Agony - Level Three
- Strength Without Limit - Level Five
- Black Spiral Dancer Tribal Gifts
- Bale Armor - Level One
- Spiral-Shadow Dance - Level One
- Grave Claws - Level Two
- Claws of Corrosion - Level Three
- Hungry Rust - Level Four
- Stolen Hide - Level Four
- The White Howl - Level Five
- Stolen Gifts
- Repress Taint - Level One
- Bale Aura - Level One
- Hidden Killer - Level Two
- Submit - Level Two
- Ichor Blade - Level Three
- Gift of the Tainted Totem - Level Three
- Howl of the Bane - Level Four
- Summon Wyrm Elemental - Level Four
- Mask Taint - Level Five
- Cloak of Anthelios - Level Five
- Rites
- The Dance of the Black Spiral - Level Two Rite of Renown
- Rite of the Flayed God - Level Four Mystic Rite
- Wyrm Totems
- Totems of Cunning
- Totems of Strength
- Totems of Corruption
Chapter Four: Feeling the Touch[]
This chapter showcases the breadth of the Wyrm's depravity. It presents a range of fomori, the Wyrm's foot-soldiers, and the Fomorach: individual powerhouses created by horrific experiments. Looking at supernatural creatures and what happens when a Bane possesses such a creature, it goes on to present a new range of Banes and physical monstrosities like the Thunderwyrm. Demonstrating what happens when Changing Breeds other than the Garou fall to the Wyrm, from the grotesque Skull Pigs to the bizarre Balefire Sharks, it shows the results of Pentex' horrific attempts to manufacture their own shapeshifters. It looks at creatures reeking of the Wyrm's taint without necessarily doing the Corruptor's work: the Inquisitors and the Chulorviah. Finally, it examines the nature of Wyrm-taint, and how characters may fall under the Wyrm's sway.
- Fomori
- Enticers - Stats
- Powers: Addictive Presence, Siren's Veil
- Ferectoi - Stats
- Flesh Packs - Stats
- Freakfeet - Stats
- Gorehounds, Take Two - Stats
- Hollow Men - Stats
- Normalites - Stats
- Shadowfiends - Stats
- Powers: Silent Aura
- Sons of Typhon - Stats
- Powers: Disguise, Tongue of Typhon
- Toads
- Powers: Barbed Tongue
- Fomori Families
- Enticers - Stats
- Fomarchs
- Icomammus
- Temenathus the Great
- Unicorn
- Supernatural Fomori
- Vampires
- Bloodworms - Stats
- Powers: Blood Gorge, Corpse Hide
- Draugr - Stats
- Bloodworms - Stats
- Werewolves
- Howling Shamblers - Stats
- Powers: Shambling
- Howling Shamblers - Stats
- Mages
- Changelings
- Everything Else
- Vampires
- Banes
- Abliphet - Stats
- Charms: Everybody's Secret
- Crimson Pestilent - Stats
- Charms: Awaken the Blight
- Halassh - Stats
- Charms: Dissolution
- Harpies - Stats
- Charms: Innocuous
- Nihilach - Stats
- Charms: Blighted Touch, Yawning Void
- Nocturna - Stats
- Charms: Dream Warp
- Raptor - Stats
- Charms: Sleaze Aura
- Rot Walker - Stats
- Charms: Carrion Walk, Lightning in the Meat
- Rust Spider - Stats
- Charms: Darkweaving
- Shattered Harts - Stats
- Charms: Smoke
- Thinbone - Stats
- Charms: Possession
- Abliphet - Stats
- Spawn of the Wyrm
- Heart Eaters - Stats
- Powers: Clean Scent, Empathy, Sting
- Thunderwyrms - Stats
- Skull Pigs - Stats
- Heart Eaters - Stats
- The Fallen
- Antara, "Breakers"
- Histpah
- Buzzards
- Mnetics, "Dumenkara," "Mindborn," "Sasahai," Katikassa," Vanus," etc.
- Bitter-Grins, "Nokhomi"
- The Mad Destroyers
- Balefire Sharks
- Xibalan, "Bloodbats"
- Powers: Burning Blood, Terrifying Shriek
- The Mockery Breeds
- War Wolves
- Powers: Shapeshifting
- Anurana
- Samsa
- Kerasi
- Yeren
- Yeren Gifts
- Level One: Acid Talons, Balance, Bane Protector, Bestowing the Predator's Shadow, Eye of the Hunter, Falling Touch, Glass Canyon Predator (as Ways of the Urban Wolf), Gorilla's Embrace (as Falcon's Frasp), Monkey Tail (as the Level Three Gift), Open Seal, resist Toxin, Trash is Treasure, Sense Wyrm
- Level Two: Between the Cracks, Blissful Ignorance, Distractions, Glib Tongue, Monkey Leap (as the Level One Gift: Hare's Leap), Odious Aroma, Nimblefeet (as the Level Three Gift: Catfeet), Taking the Forgotten, Wyrm Hide
- Level Three: Beautiful Lie, Bloody Feast, Call the Rust, Feast of Essence, Flame Dance (as the Level Two Gift), Gorge (as the Level Four Gift), Intrusion, Spider's Song (as the Level Two Gift), Spirit of the Fray (as the Level Two Gift)
- Unique Gifts
- Middleman - Level One
- Shit Rolls Downhill - Level One
- Fistful of Filth - Level Two
- Dressing Down - Level Three
- Artist's Lament - Level Three
- Unique Gifts
- Yeren Gifts
- War Wolves
- Stranger Things
- Inquisitors - Stats
- Powers: Mind Probe
- Chulorviah, "Kraken-Born"
- The Enfolded - Stats
- Petryanos/Petryani - Stats
- Chulorviah Elder - Stats
- Inquisitors - Stats
- The Tainted
Appendix: Rotten Baubles[]
The Appendix presents just some of the tools of the Wyrm, including tainted Fetishes, equipment from the factories of Malfeas and Pentex R&D, and some of the products that Pentex's subsidiaries might sell in any town in the developed world.
- Fetishes
- Brush of the Ancients - Level 1, Gnosis 8
- Stolen Eye - Level 1, Gnosis 2 - Buzzards
- Bane Lantern - Level 2, Gnosis 5
- Devilwhip - Level 2, Gnosis 6
- Wyrmflesh - Level 3, Gnosis 6
- Baneklaive - Level 5, Gnosis 7
- Equipment
- Poison Rounds
- Pus Armor
- Balefire Thrower
- Ionone Gas
- Kiss of the Wyrm
- Fomorol
- Products
- Black Dog Game Factory
- Space Accountant
- Lycanthrope: The Rapture 17th Anniversary Edition
- Endron
- Endron Regular Unleaded
- Falcon Pathfinder
- King Breweries
- Magadon
- FluBuster!
- UltraSheen
- NikNak Computing
- RED Network
- Mega Cage
- Battle News
- Black Dog Game Factory
- First Team Equipment
- Full Force Solutions
- FT-13, PX-66F and more
- Whisper Rounds
- Bullseye
- Avalon Incorporated
- Doc Chaney's Involuntary Reaction (IR) Filters
- Endron Oil
- Tarnish
- LightUp
- Sunburst Computers
- Squealer
- SquadNet
- Magadon Pharmaceuticals
- FightBack
- Full Force Solutions
Background Information[]
- W20 Book of the Wyrm updates Book of the Wyrm Second Edition for the 20th Anniversary game.
- This book was financed and expanded via Kickstarter.
Memorable Quotes[]
"Prophecy is meaningless. Even Spiral dreams die." - Rhaos Dream-slayer, Black Spiral Dancer
International Editions[]
- W20 – Le Livre du Ver by Arkhane Asylum Publishing (French: See Infobar)
- Libro del Wyrm by Nosolorol Ediciones (Spanish)
- Buch des Wyrms by Ulisses Spiele (German)
- Chapter One: Lore of the Wyrm
- Number Two
- Urge Wyrms
- Foebok, the Urge of Fear
- Vorus, the Urge of Greed
- Mahsstrac, the Urge of Power
- Karnala, the Urge of Desire
- Abhorra, the Urge of Hatred
- Angu, the Urge of Cruelty
- Ba'ashkai, the Urge of Violence
- Khaaloobh, the Urge of Consumption
- Pseulak, the Urge of Lies
- Sykora, the Urge of Paranoia
- Gree, the Urge of Despair
- Lethargg, the Urge of Apathy
- Maeljin Incarna
- Empress Aliara, the Countess Desire
- Lord Steel, the Duke of Hate
- Lady Aife, the Caliph
- Hellbringer, Chieftain of Rage, General of the Armies of the Wyrm and Patron of Abuse
- Knight Entropy, the Wyrm's Spawn
- Maine duBois, Esquire, Corruption's Advocate, the Chamberlain of Lies
- Doge Klypse, the Archbishop of Madness
- The Nameless Angel of Despair
- Thurifuge, the Master of Stagnation, Lord of Disease
- Lord Choke, the Master of Smog
- Lord Kerne, the Master of Hellfire
- Lord Collum, the Master of Sludge
- Lady Yul, the Mistress of Toxins
- Elemental Wyrms
- Urge Wyrms
- Number Two
- Chapter Two: Pawns and Puppets
- Jason Prower - Head of Prower Power, Glass Walker
- Marcus Flavious Ocella - Sabbat Vampire
- Lord Aludian Thex - Lasombra antitibu, Vampire
- Pentex
- Board of Directors
- Benjamin Rushing - Executive Director
- Peter Culliford - Executive Vice President
- Adrian Newberry - Division Director, Operations (OPD)
- Chase Lamont - Joint Division Director, Acquisitions Division (AQD) and Information Collection Division (ICS)
- Harold Zettler - Division Director, Special Projects Division (SPD)
- Franklin Rubin - Division Director, Project Coordination, Division (PCD)
- Persephone Tar-Anis - Former Chief of Pentex Security
- Kiro Yamazaki - Subdivision Director, Projects Odyssey (OD) and Aeneid (AE)
- Kathryn Mollett - Subdivision Director, Human Resources Development (HRD)
- Francesco - Subdivision Director, Project Iliad (IL), Black Spiral Dancer Philodox Lupus
- Andre Baptiste - Subdivision Director, Public Relations (PR)
- Ursula Crane - Subdivision Director, Finance (FIN)
- Mike Dragons-Wrath - Subdivision Director, Pentex Security (SEC), Black Spiral Dancer
- Frédéri Pochard - Subdivision Director without Portfolio
- Ian Robertson - Subdivision Director, Process and Integration (PID), CEO of the Money Magus, Syndicate Mage
- Martin Matthews - Pentex Employee
- Ms. Evans - Pentex Employee
- Mr. Struthers - Pentex Employee
- Dorothy - Pentex Employee
- Joseph Dial - Original Founder of Avalon and created Goosy Gooze
- Marian Booker - Avalon Executive
- Gerald Brinegan - Avalon Executive
- Jason O'Kelly - Black Dog Game Factory
- Evan Stump - Black Dog Game Factory
- Jeff Henning - Black Dog Game Factory
- Rick Glumsky - Black Dog Game Factory
- Mickey Li - Black Dog Game Factory
- Peter Clarkston - Death Lord Games
- William Spinner - Death Lord Games
- Chas McDonald - Black Dog Game Factory, Computer Projects manager, now President of Black Dog
- Edwin Phate - Black Dog Game Factory
- Rachel Barker - Black Dog Game Factory
- James Coriander - Black Dog Game Factory
- Halldór Pálsson - PCP CEO
- Jeremy King - King Distilleries CEO
- Dexter King - Former King Distilleries CEO, Died
- Hiram Bollingsworth - Former Endron CEO, Wraith
- Max Carson - Endron President
- Nicholas Morgan - Endron COO
- Justin Chen - Endron CFO
- Allison Kerrey - Max Caron's executive secretary
- Bryan Vandegrift - Magadon Founder
- Dr. Julia Miller - In charge of Magadon's Women's Medicine Division
- Elliot Meiche - Former Director, Died
- Frederick Kromrich - Former Director, Died
- Robert Allred - Former Director, Died
- James Kiker - Former Director, Died
- Enzo Giovanni - Former Director of Finance
- Danforth Stern, "Father Worm" - Former Director of Acquistions
- Donald Gauntley - Former Director without Portfolio
- Ash Pyralis - Black Spiral Dancer, Board of Directors Nominee
- Dr. Bentley Chism - Board of Directors Nominee, Syndicate Mage, Director of Public Health at Iridium Medical
- Sir Frederick Appleton - Board of Directors Nominee, Yeren, Director of Project Lycaon
- Jimmy Farrington, "Zaphikel" - Board of Directors Nominee, Founder of Shade, Inc., Demon
- David Kaufman - Board of Directors Nominee, CEO of Black Watch Group
- Darrien Terrell - Board of Directors Nominee, Ghoul of Lord Aludian Thex
- Janice Maloney - Secure Employment Solutions, First Team Recruiter
- Stephanie Batiste - Talent Scout, First Team Recruiter
- Colonel Jack Bowman - First Team Recruiter
- Bob Pullman - First Team Recruiter
- Board of Directors
- Cults
- The Vessel of Despair - Cult Leader of the Cult of Despair
- Simon Green-Tooth - Black Spiral Dancer, Cult Leader and Founder of F.E.A.R.
- James Halimar - Explorer and Founder of Halimar Heights, Past
- Jayne Hardy - Halimar Heights City Council, Cult Member
- Thomas Bower - Halimar Heights City Council, Cult Member
- Bill Jenkins - Halimar Heights City Council, Cult Member
- Martine Matts - Halimar Heights City Council, Cult Member
- Fran Wilson - Halimar Heights City Council, Cult Member
- Mayor Dina Strong - Halimar Heights City Council, Cult Member
- Wayland Webber - Laird of Demborough, Pretanic Order
- Gerald Simmons - The Silver Keys Founder and Leader, Warden of prison is under American Corrections
- Gold Eye - Prisoner, Inmate
- Marcus Howell - Founder and Cult Leader of WebWorks
- Chapter Three: The Never-Ending Dance
- Rag'lish'tak - Black Spiral Dancer
- Cororuc - White Howler, Died
- Zane - Black Spiral Dancer
- Ash Pyralis - Black Spiral Dancer, Chief of Pentex Security
- Bursts-the-Heart-of-Gaia - Black Spiral Dancer, Big Bad Wolf
- Toxic - Black Spiral Dancer, Noxious's Twin, Prince of Ruin
- Noxious - Black Spiral Dancer, Toxic's Twin, Prince of Ruin
- Adam Dutch - Black Spiral Dancer, Founder of the Redheart Pit, Died
- Lazeth Family - Kinfolk, La Bête Noire
- Roth - Glass Walker, lost his sept and now works with the Black Spirals, The Nameless Tower
- Arrow-Flies-True - Black Fury, Aware of the Ancients and seeks signs of them
- Travels-With-The-Wind - Silent Strider, Aware of the Ancients and hunts the Spirals that wish to awaken them
- Two Thorns - Uktena, Aware of the Ancients and seeks to seal them
- S'nogg Bone-eater - Alaskan Black Spiral Dancer, Fused with a hollowed out Grizzly Bear Spirit
- Vikkatha - Black Spiral Dancer, Hollowed out and inverted her own soul
- Scuzznuts - Black Spiral Dancer Metis
- Nathan Rockseye - Get of Fenris
- Alan Rixby - Black Spiral Dancer
- Adrian Scala - Black Spiral Dancer
- Sam Haight
- White Hunter Dayalond - Black Spiral Dancer, Former Wendigo, Consumed a servant of the Wendigo spirit
- Rhaos Dream-slayer - Black Spiral Dancer Ahroun
- Coletta Macomb - Black Spiral Dancer
- Wedge Tooth - Black Spiral Dancer, formerly "Mother's Voice" , an ex-Children of Gaia Adren
- Zhyzhak
- Chapter Four: Feeling the Touch
- KmKaba - Bubasti who has discovered the Yava of the Histpah and hunts them
- Braney, "Deep Purple Dark" - No-Sun Mokolé, Braney was created by the Mnetics, but Deep Purple Dark did exist and was caught by the Mokolé
- GrrBrool Bites-the-Tail LaTrans - Nuwisha
- Ichi "Shoot's Last" - Hakken Theurge, knows of the Bloodbats
- Black Tooth
- Kamaria Thimba, Laughter-Curses-the-Darkness - Ajaba, controls the deployment of Kerasi
- Appendix: Rotten Baubles
- Will Ridges - Black Dog Game Factory
Abyss, Aldis Financial (Company), Ancients (Spirits: Mother Bog, Niobrara Sea), Apex Amusement Association, A Scalpel in the Back: The Coming Worldwide Health Disaster by Dr. Bently Chism (Book), Atrocity Realm, Balefire, Banes: Blight Children, Breeder Bane, Furmling, Hogling, Howling Insanities, H'ruggling, Kaluses, Meat Puppet, Mind Feeders, Nexus Crawler, Phantasmi, Psychomachiae, Scavenger Pack, Scrag, Scryers, Thirster, Wakshaani, Winding Hungers; Black Watch Group (Company), Blight, Calumns, Capitalism: The Savior of American Health by Dr. Bently Chism (Book), Cults: Cult of Despair, Free Earth Armed Resistance (F.E.A.R.), Halimar Heights City Council, Pretanic Order: Order of the Oriental Fellowship, Phelegma Abbey, Pretanic Keys; The Silver Keys, WebWorks: Dark Horizons (Game), Encyclopedia of the Mind (Program); Digital Web, Discordium, The Fallen: Antara, Balefire Sharks: Wyrm Grottos; Bitter-Grins: Xochipilli; Black Spiral Dancers: Black Spiral Labyrinth, Black Spiral Litany, Btk'uthoklnto (Zhyzhak's Devilwhip), Categories: The Aristocratic Wolf, The Big Bad Wolf, The Corporate Wolf, The Princes of Ruin; Hive: Trinity Hive; Kinfolk, Lion, Pits: Redheart Pit (Florida), La Bête Noire (Atchafalaya Basin, Bayou Chantilly), The Nameless Tower (New York City), The Swallowing Caves (Colorado, San Luis Valley); White Howlers; Buzzards: Rite of the Broken Wing; Histpah: Cahlash; Mad Destroyers, Mnetics, Xibalan; Far Calumns, Fomarch, Fomori: Bloodworms, Draugr, Enticers, Ferectoi, Flesh Packs, Freakfeet, Gorehounds, Hollow Men, Howling Shamblers, Normalities, Shadowfiends, Sons of Typhon, Toads; Grandmother Thunderwyrm, Hellhole, 'Hell, Wyoming', Howling Blitzkrieg Pack, Iridium Medical, Maeljin Incarna, Magicians of the Bay: LSD, Inc.: Labyrinths & Lamiae: Boiled Leather; Obligatory Icosahedron Licensing (OIL); Malfeas: Castle Cthonus, Central Duchy, Dark Satanic Mills: Hungry Ones; Duchy, Grand Cathedral, Maeljin Duchies: Duchy Aliara, Duchy Dubois, Duchy Aife, Duchy Klypse, Duchy Thurifuge, Duchy Hell, The "Border Duchies", Earth Pit, Duchy of Smog, Duchy of Balefire, Duchy of Sludge, Duchy of Toxin; Nightmare Garden, Reason Realm, Temple Obscura: Room of Personal Failings, Room of Rage, Room of Anguish, Room of Cunning, Room of Battle, Room of Corruption, Room of Loyalty, Room of Riddles, Room of Mystery; Unreason Realm, Wyld Founts: Dream Zone, Flux, Fount of Dark Possibilities; Mockery Breeds: Anurana: Form: Dagon; Kerasi: Breeds: Faru; Forms: Bandia, Kiforu; Samsa: Cockroach, Forms: Ungeziefer, Project Metamorphosis; War Wolves, Yeren: Shadow of the Ape; The Money Magus (Company), Pentex: American Corrections, Avalon: Atlantis Adventures, Action Bill and the Danger Squad, Nuke 'Em, Cici, Post-Nuclear Holocaust Cici, Party Girl Cici, Goosy Gooze; Black Dog Game Factory: Death Lord Games, Fiend: The Pacting, Lycanthrope: The Rapture, Revenant: The Ravishing, Warlock: The Pretension, World of Shadow; Board of Directors, CashGrab, Deep Dive Games, Endron: Endron Electric (Car) Endron Exploratory Personnel Squads (EEPS), Menantol Platforms, Them; Falcon Motors: Falcon Trailblazer, First Team: Assault Teams, Ranger Teams, Retrieval Teams; Full Force Solutions, Hitkadmut Inc., Homogeneity Incorporated, Incognito, King Breweries: AquaClear Foundation; Magadon: Genetics, Gerontology, General Health and Nutrition (GHN): Wolf's Run (Energy Drink); Infectious Diseases, Consumer Products, Veterinary Products (VetDiv); Drugs: Wyrm Faux, Bane Lures, "Bottled Banes," umbrophrenol-6 (Chemical); NikNak Computing, Neuro-Dynamic Laboratories Amalgamated, Panacea, Politically Corrupt Productions (PCP): World of Shadow Online; Primrose Strip Mall, Project Aeneid, Project Echidna, Project Iliad, Project Lycaon, Feed-and-Read (Organization), RED Network, Secure Employment Solutions, Siren Pharmaceuticals, Slaughterhouse Video (Blood Trap films), Sunburst Computers: ResortCraft (Sunburst Game), Solaris, Sunpad; Tau Upsilon Phi, Tellus: Biological Warfare, The Clones, Clones Online, Eden Online, Typhoon; O'Tolley's; Primrose Shelter, Prower Power (Toy Company), Sabbat, Scar: Black Train, The Last Junction; Shade, Inc., Stan Paxton Games, Stranger Things: Chulorviah, Inquisitors; Taint, Triat: Weaver "Aunt Spider", Wyld "Uncle Change", Wyrm "Keeper of Balance"; Triatic Wyrm: Beast-of-War "Calamity Wyrm, Jormungandr", Defiler Wyrm, Eater-of-Souls "Consuming Wyrm"; Urge Wyrm, Wyrm Reaches,
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