The Book of Glamour was a cancelled sourcebook for Changeling: The Dreaming.
From the White Wolf Game Studio 2001 Catalog, July to December:
Hidden powers
Elusive and ever-changing, Glamour fuels the creativity of changelings, marking them as creatures of the Dreaming. Essential to noble and commoner alike, Glamour remains mysterious, an indefinable energy. Where does it come from? Where does it go? Although it permeates every aspect of changeling society, few have understood the ways and means of Glamour. Until now.
Secrets Revealed
Bringing together and updating all the Arts from previous sourcebooks and introducing a few surprises, this compilation provides a wealth of information about the fickle, unpredictable source of fae power. This book explains what Glamour is, what it does (and does not do), and how to get it, keep it and make it work for you - and against your enemies. Learn how to craft Treasures and design new Arts while uncovering the underlying secrets of changeling magic. - pg. 39