The Book of Eldritch Might is a d20 magic sourcebook. It was the first book published for Malhavoc Press by White Wolf.
From the Back of the Book:
- Eleven original feats including the new eldritch type, which grant specific magical abilities to enhance your spells in ways that metamagic feats can’t
- Three new prestige classes: the embermage (the supreme fire mage), the graven one (who covers his entire body in magical tattoos), and the mirror master (specializing in unique mirror magic abilities and spells).
- More than 60 new spells of all levels that you can add to any campaign.
- A like number of magic items of all types, from weapons to wondrous items (and artifacts!). This section introduces the brand-new concepts of magic poisons and magic vehicles such as the wheeled war altar and the diving sphere.
- Last but not least, The Book of Eldritch Might presents a new monster template, the magical construct, which allows any spellcaster to create golemlike guardians and servants based on existing monsters.
Introduction: Malhavoc Speaks[]
Chapter One: Feats[]
Chapter Two: Prestige Classes[]
Chapter Three: Spells[]
Chapter Four: Magic Items[]
Chapter Five: Magical Constructs[]
This is technically the second edition of the Book of Eldritch Might. The first edition was a stapled pamphlet produced by Cook using Third Edition rules.
Memorable Quotes[]
Game Books Malhavoc Press books |
Next book: MP: Demon God's Fane |