The Blight Project is a cooperative venture launched by the Psi Orders in 2111 to study and ameliorate the Midwestern Blight Zone in North America.
For decades the Federated States of America largely focused on keeping people (and Aberrants) from either entering or leaving the Blight, but made little attempt to study the region, much less improve it. At a conference in fall of 2111, the Proxies of the Psi Orders discussed where they could do the most good, and the Blight was identified as a major symbol of the world's painful history.
Orgotek took the lead on the project, as the order based in the FSA, and invited the Aesculapians and Norça to play major roles, though the biokinetics never contributed as much as initially hoped. The Legions provided security in the form of the LAST Zone. Initially, teleporters from Upeo wa Macho helped map the Blight and collect samples, until the Esperanza disaster lead them to leave Earth en masse. Aeon Trinity gave the project their full backing, though internal documents showed they had concerns from the beginning about the potential for unethical research, given the isolation of the researchers and the dangers of working with taint.
The early phases of the project were devoted to mapping the Blight and defining different degrees of taint present, as well as establishing a regime of long-term monitoring. By 2120, the Project had made headway with developing Blight-resistant strains of certain crops.[1]
Other Participants[]
Schilltronix AG partnered with Orgotek in 2119 to fund the construction of new research bases as part of the Blight Project. The partnership was used as a cover for participants in the Huang-Marr Biorg Project to secretly transfer resources and information between the Blight Zone and Switzerland.[2]
- ↑ TU: Darkness Revealed 2: Passage Through Shadow, p. 63-66
- ↑ TU: Darkness Revealed 2: Passage Through Shadow, p. 25