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The Blade's Edge is an Unseelie Freehold in the County of Oakhold in the Kingdom of Pacifica.


Sir Blade

The Unseelie knight Blade has appropriated this smaller freehold for his own purposes. It rests in the heart of East Oakland and is both weaker and less ostentatious than Caer Ogun. The Blade's Edge superficially resembles a townhouse gone to seed. It is only the keenest eye that will detect that the wood panels of the house are yet living, and that the stairs are from years of slow growth, not the tread of passing feet. In fact, the entire house is sleepily living, and while it is a relatively fragile freehold, its existence in the heart of such Banality is heartening even to those who disapprove of Blade's seizure of the place.


Found at 47 Belmont, at the entrance, one is likely to step over a homeless man wrapped in a weeks' worth of newspapers. Anyone approaching will see a hand emerge, asking for money, alcohol, or both. This is Toad.

The house is a tree-story row home. there is a central hallway with a stairwell, and rooms with closed and locked doors the length of each corridor. The lighting is actually quite good, with electric light gleaming off of the wood paneling interior. The house may fit into its surroundings, but it's obvious Blade had redecorated to his taste. Various noises can be heard coming from the rooms: laughter, video games, and the dreadful music of X-rated films.

The Third Floor[]

At the end of the third floor hall is a door. Beyond the door is a sparsely furnished room with no carpeting. The floor is polished oak and there is a straight-backed dark wooden chair... Blade's seat. A few prints in traditional West African style decorate the white-pained walls. At a word from Blade, chimerical warriors can leap from these prints, armed with spear and shield.

  • The Warriors: These are stylized chimera, stick-figure warriors with faces like traditional West African masks. They move fluidly, with surprising grace considering their angular forms. Their attacks are coordinated and deadly, and several will converge on a fallen opponent to finish them off.


  1. CTD. Immortal Eyes: The Toybox, pp. 44, 113-117.