Below are the Gifts available to the Black Furies tribe.
List of Gifts[]
First Edition and GURPS Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Heightened Senses: As the Lupus Gift[1]
- Sense Wyld: As the Lupus Gift.[2]
- Sense Wyrm: As the Metis Gift.[3]
Level 2[]
- Curse of Aeolus: Summons a fog to shroud the landscape.[4]
- Sense of the Prey/Sense the Prey: As the Ragabash Gift.[5]
Level 3[]
- Coup De Grace: Garou doubles the damage caused by her next blow, provided it hits.[6]
- Song of the Siren: See the Galliard Gift.[7]
- Visceral Agony: Turns claws into hellish barbed talons dripping with black venom.[8]
- Wings of Pegasus: Sprout wings when in Hispo form; allows Garou to fly at will.[9]
Level 4[]
- Bacchantes' Rage: Can only be used in the wilds. Channels destructive power of the Wyld through her anger.[10]
- Body Wrack: Victim loses one die from all Dice Pools due to the agonizing pain that sweeps over his body.[11]
- Wasp Talons: Hurls claws up to 100 feet at a foe. Incapable of using this gift or causing aggravated damage next round, as claws must actually regenerate.[12]
Level 5[]
- Gorgon's Gaze: Turns a target to stone with a gaze.[13]
- The Thousand Forms: By spending a Gnosis point, may take on the form of any animal between the sizes of a sparrow and a bison, gaining all special abilities thereof.[14]
- Wyld Warp: Summons Greater or lesser Wyld spirits to the earth. They will either help the Garou or not due to being chaotic in nature. This Gift is used as a desperation tactic at best.[15]
Second Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Heightened Senses: As the Level One Lupus Gift.[16]
- Moon-Daughters' Gift: Moonshadow: Allows to step sideways by using a patch of moonlight. Difficulty is also lowered by one.[17]
- Order of the Merciful Mother Gift: Mother's Touch: As the Theurge Gift.[18]
- Owl Speech: Similar to the Gifts Beast Speech and King of the Beasts Gifts, but it only works on owls.[19]
- Sense Wyrm: As the Level One Metis Gift.[20]
Level 2[]
- Curse of Aeolus: Summons a fog to shroud the landscape. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Aeolus, a totem spirit.[21]
- Sense of the Prey: As the Level Two Ragabash Gift.[22]
- Touch of the Muse: Invokes the spirits of art and artifice, allowing to lower the difficulty of any Social Attribute rolls for a duration of a scene.[23]
- Trail of Pain: Allows to sense persons in agony. Used to uncover individuals suffering abuse and to track abusers after wounding them. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Pegasus.[24]
Level 3[]
- Bacchantes' Rage: When deep in the wilds, the Black Furies can use this Gift to inflict extra damage. This Gift is taught by a Wyld-spirit.[25]
- Coup De Grace: Garou doubles the damage caused by her next blow, provided it hits. This Gift is taught by an Owl-spirit.[26]
- Flames of Hestia: Produces white flames around one's hands. Can be used to purify whatever they touch.[27]
- Freebooters Gift: Messenger's Fortitude: As the Silent Strider Gift.[28]
- Song of the Siren: See the Galliard Gift.[29]
- Visceral Agony: Turns claws into hellish barbed talons dripping with black venom. This Gift is taught by a Pain-spirit.[30]
Level 4[]
- Body Wrack: Victim loses one die from all Dice Pools due to the agonizing pain that sweeps over his body. This Gift is taught by a Pain-spirit.[31]
- Wasp Talons: Hurls claws up to 100 feet at a foe. Incapable of using this gift or causing aggravated damage next round, as claws must actually regenerate. This Gift is taught by a Wasp-spirit.[32]
Level 5[]
- Gorgon's Gaze: Turns a target to stone with a gaze. Difficult to find and even more dangerous to approach, the legendary Basilisk-spirit can teach this Gift.[33]
- The Thousand Forms: By spending a Gnosis point, may take on the form of any animal between the sizes of a sparrow and a bison, gaining all special abilities thereof. This Gift is taught by an Animal Father Incarna avatar. No monsters, et al., may be mimicked.[34]
- Wyld Warp: Summons Greater or lesser Wyld spirits to the earth. They will either help the Garou or not due to being chaotic in nature. This Gift is used as a desperation tactic at best. This Gift is taught by a Wyldling.[35]
Werewolf: The Wild West and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Heightened Senses: As the Level One Lupus Gift.[36]
- Sense Wyrm: As the Level One Metis Gift.[37]
- Song of the Seasons: Can tame the worst effects of weather and season. The Gift is taught by a Weather-spirit.[38]
Level 2[]
- Kneel: By pointing a finger or claw at a target, a Fury can force them to their knees. This Gift is taught by one of Pegasus' Brood.[39]
- Sense of the Prey: Can track prey (mortal or spirit) anywhere, salt desert, prairie or Storm Umbra alike. This Gift is taught by a Wolf- or Dog-spirit.[40]
- Whore's Vengeance: The Wild West's version of Body Wrack. A spirit of Lust teaches this Gift.[41]
Level 3[]
- Devil Talons: The Wild West's version of Visceral Agony. The Gift is taught by a Pain-spirit.[42]
- Spirit Ripper: By channeling the kinship with the Wyld, it can cause a blast of pure chaos that may shred a spirit's essence. This does nothing to Wyld Spirits, but is very effective against Wyrm and Weaver Spirits. This Gift is taught by a Wyld-spirit.[43]
Level 4[]
- Dispel the Golden Waste: Summons up the spirits of gold from their resting places, whirls them into a dust of gold, and whisks gold away, leaving the area worthless for prospectors.[44]
- Healing Breath of Mother Gaia: By bringing forth the Earth's healing powers, a Fury can dispel the worst effects of Wyrm-taint and injure the creatures of corruption.[45]
- Wasp Talons: A Fury can fire her claws from her fingertips. The werewolf is incapable of using this Gift or making a claw attack next turn, for her claws must actually regenerate. This Gift is taught by a Wasp-spirit.[46]
Level 5[]
- Anger of the Goddess: Uses the force of Gaia or the elements itself to strike down enemies. The power can take many forms: a lightning bolt, an avalanche or even a tornado. An avatar of Gaia herself teaches this Gift.[47]
- Beast Witch: This is Wild West's version of The Thousand Forms. Animal totems pass this Gift to worthy Furies, and might revoke the favor if a wolf forgets her kinship to the Wyld.[48]
- Wyldstorm: By harnessing the raging currents of the Storm Umbra, a Fury with this Gift unleashes a tempest in the mortal world.[49]
Werewolf: The Dark Ages and Dark Ages: Werewolf[]
Level 1[]
- Breath of the Wyld: Shares inspirational energy with others. A spirit servant of Pegasus teaches this Gift.[50]
- Heightened Senses: As the standard Gift.[51]
- Man's Skin: The Fury using this Gift effectively changes gender in the eyes of onlookers. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor-spirit, often one who needed to dress as a man in life to accomplish her own ends.[52]
- Sense Wyrm: As the Metis Gift.[53]
Level 2[]
- Curse of Aeolus: Summons a thick, eerie fog that obscures vision. A spirit in service to Aeolus, the fog totem, teaches this Gift.[54]
- Sense of the Prey: As the Ragabash Gift.[55]
Level 3[]
- Coup de Grace: For a fleeting moment, allows to search for a prudent spot to deliver a devasting blow.[56]
- Flames of Hestia: Summons a corona of white flame to surround one's hands, a flame which purifies anything it touches. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Hestia, an Incarna of purity and healing.[57]
- Visceral Agony: As the standard Gift.[58]
Level 4[]
- Body Wrack: As the standard Gift. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.[59]
- Bow of Pegasus: A Fury infuses her bow with spiritual energy to become fantastically adept at striking targets from any distance. A spirit servant of Pegasus teaches this Gift.[60]
- Wasp Talons: As the standard Gift.[61]
Level 5[]
- Arrow of Artemis: A Fury can invest a single arrow with the light of Luna - and celestial killing power. Virtually no force on Gaia can make her miss, and when the arrow strikes, it does so with the force of a thunderbolt. This Gift is taught only by powerful Lines in direct service to Luna-the-Huntress.[62]
- Gaze of the Gorgon: Dark Ages' version of Gorgon's Gaze. A Gorgon can teach this Gift, but a Fury seeking this Gift must be wary of approaching these rare and unpredictable spirits.[63]
- The Thousand Forms: As the standard Gift. A Wylding teaches this Gift.[64]
- Wyld Warp: As the standard Gift.[65]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Arion's Burdern: This Gift calms the mind of a mounted horse and makes a Black Fury in Glabro form lighter to be able to ride a horse. This Gift is taught be an avatar of Pegasus.[66]
- Breath of the Wyld: Instills a feeling of vitality and life in a living being. A spirit servant of Pegasus teaches this Gift.[67]
- Heightened Senses: As the lupus Gift.[68]
- Order of Our Merciful Mother: Mother's Touch: As the Theurge Gift.[69]
- Sense Wyld: As the Lupus Gift.[70]
- Sense Wyrm: As the metis Gift.[71]
- Sisterhood: Spirit Smuggler: Allows a Fury to hide an item into the Gauntlet for a short time; it will return to the character's possession in the physical realm after a few minutes have passed. This Gift is taught by a Raccoon-spirit.[72]
- Amazons of Diana: True Shot: Allows Maiden Furies to replicate their Artemis' spectacular feats of archery on the Battlefield or on the hunt. This Gift is taught by a Lune.[73]
- Watchful Eyes: This Gift has been the Furies' tool to determine the location of those that break the laws of Gaia. This Gift is taught by an Owl-spirit.[74]
Level 2[]
- Curse of Aeolus: Summons a thick, eerie fog that obscures vision and unnerves opponents. A spirit in service to Aeolus, the fog totem, teaches this Gift.[75]
- Amazons of Diana: Flurry of Arrows: Luna has taught her children how to nock and release arrows more rapidly than a human might follow. This Gift is taught by a Lune.[76]
- Kali's Tongue: The Gift removes a creature's ability to heal damage; it's effects are relatively short-term. This Gift is taught by a Cobra-spirit.[77]
- Freebooters: Messenger's Fortitude: As the Silent Strider Gift.[78]
- Freebooters: Omen of Power: Used to sniff out the locations of dormant caerns. When conditions are right, they can even sense particularly powerful fetishes from a distance. This Gift is taught by a Hound-spirit.[79]
- Bacchanantes: Rend: Rend allows the Bacchantes to rip through substances that they could not ordinarily pierce, and do as much damage with their natural teeth and claws as another might with a human's sword. This Gift is taught - sometimes to great comic effect - by a wine-spirit.[80]
- Sense of the Prey: As the Ragabash Gift.[81]
- Moon-Daughters: Spirit Loan: Allows a Moon-Daughter to lend one of her Gifts to another Garou. This Gift is taught by a Hen-spirit.[82]
- Stoking the Soul's Fire: A Maiden Black Fury can use this Gift to replenish her natural strengths by sacrificing her suppressed natures. This Gift is taught by a Wolverine-spirit.[83]
- Trail of Pain: Allows to sense persons in agony. Used to uncover individuals suffering abuse and to track abusers after wounding them. It is taught by a spirit servant of Pegasus.[84]
- Order of Our Merciful Mother: Truest Sacrament: Allows Gaian Rites and Rituals to be seen as innocuous and even appropriate among human religions, such as Christianity. This Gift is taught by a Unicorn-spirit.[85]
Level 3[]
- Barring the Will: A Fury can sacrifice her anger and spirit energies to replenish her strength of purpose and will. This Gift is taught by a Donkey-spirit.[86]
- Coup de Grace: The Garou studies her foe, looking for the best place to strike. In doing so, she sets herself up to land a devastating attack. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.[87]
- Flames of Hestia: Allows a Fury to purify a person, spirit, or object with searing white-hot spiritual flame. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Hestia the teacher.[88]
- Visceral Agony: The werewolf's claws change to barbed, wicked talons dripping black venom. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.[89]
- Sisterhood: Winged Delivery: Using this Gift and some concentration, the character pushes a small item into the Umbra and gives it to an Owl Jaggling, which will deliver the item to a well identified person or location as rapidly as it can travel. This Gift is obviously taught by owl-spirits.[90]
Level 4[]
- Amazons of Diana: Blizzard of Arrows: A Gift used against hordes of enemies by turning a single arrow shot into multiple shots that can hit a maximum of 20 enemies within 100 yards. This Gift is taught by a Porcupine-spirit.[91]
- Body Wrack: The Fury causes a target immense, crippling pain. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.[92]
- Bolster the True Name: A Crone Fury can sacrifice her hatred and will to reinvigorate her spiritual connections. This Gift is taught by a Lune.[93]
- Calm Before the Storm: This Gift lays a sense of peace and quiet over an area, nit an uncomfortable silence but a serene sense of security. It is, naturally, used to prepare an ambush. The moment this peace breaks, spirits of calm depart quickly and are replaced by spirits of anger, storm and pain. Few subjected to this Gift survive the assault that follows. This Gift is taught by a cat-spirit.[94]
- Wasp Talons: The Fury with this talent can fire her claws from her hand like darts. She is incapable of using claw attacks with that hand until her claws regenerate, however. A wasp-spirit teaches this Gift.[95]
Level 5[]
- Bacchanantes: Storm of Mother's Wrath: Turns a Bacchante into a force of nature. The Fury wielding this Gift causes a fearful dark hailstorm to erupt, even out of a clear sky; the Bacchantes, however, are not inconvenienced by the storm, and can move around and fight in it without difficulty. A Mammatus, a Wyld-spirit of the air, teaches this Gift.[96]
- Thousand Forms: As the Ragabash Gift.[97]
- The Temple of Artemis: Walk With Hades: Allows a Fury to enter the Dark Umbra. Since it is only used by the most ancient and respected Black Furies, it is used only in the most extreme circumstances and few punishments have come down onto those forced to use it. A Gift only allows to be in the Dark Umbra for a single day to be available to find a lost loved one. These secrets have been passed down by Persephone's servitor spirits and aged Garou to the present day.[98]
- Wyld Warp: A desperate tactic at best, this Gift summons a number of Wyld-spirits. What they do when they arrive is wholly unpredictable. A Wylding teaches this Gift.[99]
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Breath of the Wyld: Instill a rush of mental vitality in another. Taught by a servant of Pegasus. [100]
- Man's Skin: Change one's apparent gender temporarily. Taught by an ancestor-spirit or seahorse-spirit. [101]
- Heightened Senses: Sharpen one's senses. Taught by a wolf-spirit. [102]
- Black Fury Kinfolk: Owl Speech: Similar to the Gifts Beast Speech and King of the Beasts Gifts, but it only works on owls. The Moon-Daughters often share this Gift with Kinfolk, particularly those with Gnosis.[103]
- Sense Wyrm: Mystically detect the influence of the Wyrm. Taught by a Gaian spirit. [104]
- Wyld West: Song of the Seasons: Can tame the worst effects of weather and season. Taught by a weather-spirit.[105]
- Wyld Resurgence: Accelerate one's natural regeneration. Taught by a servant of Pegasus. [106]
Level 2[]
- Curse of Aeolus: Summon a thick, eerie fog. Taught by a fog-spirit. [107]
- Form Mastery: Gain greater control over one's partial transformations. Taught by a wolf-spirit. [108]
- Kali's Tongue: Prevent a target from being healed for a short time. Taught by a cobra-spirit. [109]
- Kneel: Force a target to their knees. Taught by a creation of Pegasus. [110]
- Pulse of the Prey: Mystically track a known target. Taught by a wolf- or dog-spirit. [111]
Level 3[]
- Coup de Grâce: Strike at a foe's weak spot. Taught by an owl-spirit. [112]
- Heart Claw: Break a heart-seeking claw off in a target. Taught by a wasp-spirit. [113]
- Visceral Agony: Secrete painful venom from one's claws. Taught by a pain-spirit. [114]
- Wings of Pegasus: Sprout wings while in hispo form. Taught by an avatar of Pegasus. [115]
Level 4[]
- Beast Life: Become permanently able to speak to mundane animals. Taught by an animal spirit. [116]
- Body Wrack: Inflict debilitating pain onto a target. Taught by a pain-spirit. [117]
- Wyld West: Dispel the Golden Waste: Summons up the spirits of gold from their resting places, whirls them into a dust of gold, and whisks gold away, leaving the area worthless for prospectors.[118]
- Wasp Talons: Fire one's claws like darts. Taught by a wasp-spirit. [119]
Level 5[]
- Gorgon's Gaze: Paralyze a target and possibly turn them to stone. Taught by a Basilisk. [120]
- Thousand Forms: Shapeshift into a non-wolf animal. Taught by a Wyld-spirit. [121]
- Wyld Warp: Summon a swarm of Wyld-spirits. Taught by a Wyldling. [122]
5th Edition Gifts[]
In 5th edition, Gift requirements are based on the Garou's total Renown, rather than rank:
Total Renown 3[]
- Curse of Aeolus: Summon a thick, eerie fog. Taught by a fog-spirit. [123]
- Halt the Coward's Flight: Slow down targets who attempt to flee. Taught by a bog-spirit. [124]
- Porcupine's Reprisal: Reflect damage sustained in close combat. Taught by a hedgehog-spirit. [125]
Total Renown 6[]
- Coup de Grâce: Focus all strength into a single blow. Taught by a spirit associated with pride. [126]
- Kali's Scar: Claw and fang wounds fester and become easier to track. Taught by a rot-spirit or an avatar of Gorgon-as-Kali. [127]
- Wasp Talons: Fire one's claws like darts. Taught by a wasp-spirit. [128]
Total Renown 9[]
- Break the Shackles: Break supernatural mind control. Taught by winged spirits and servants of Gorgon.[129]
- Drain Spirit: Leech a spirit's energy to replenish one's own. Taught by a leech- or lamprey- spirit. [130]
- Gorgon's Visage: Paralyze anyone who can see one's face. Taught by an avatar of Gorgon. [131]
- Whelp Body: Shrivel and weaken a target, sometimes permanently. Taught by a disease-spirit. [132]
- WTA: Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook, p. 179-180
- WTA: GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse, p. 126-127
- WTA: Werewolf Players Guide, p. 38
- WTA/MET: The Apocalypse, p. 93
- WTA: Black Furies Tribebook, p. 41
- WTA: Umbra: The Velvet Shadow, p. 138
- WTA: Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition, p. 124-125
- Rage CCG: Rage (Body Wrack, Coup de Grace)
- Rage CCG: War of the Amazon (Lord of the Jungle)
- Rage CCG: Legacy of the Tribes (Wasp Talons)
- WTA: Litany of the Tribes Volume 1, p. BF: 41
- Rage CCG: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 5 (Flames of Hestia, Moon Daughter's Gift, Song of the Seasons, Touch of the Muse)
- WTA/MET: Laws of the Wild, p. 107
- WTWW: Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook, p. 151-152
- WTWW: Frontier Secrets, p. 9
- WTWW: The Wild West Companion, p. 73
- WTWW/MET: Laws of the Wyld West, p. 151-153
- WTA: Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition, p. 38
- VTDA: Werewolf: The Dark Ages, p. 103-104
- WTA: Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition, p. 143-144
- WTA: Umbra Revised, p. 134
- WTA: Tribebook: Black Furies, p. 65-72
- DAW: Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook, p. 128-129
- WTA/MET: MET Gift Deck
- DAW/MET: Mind's Eye Theatre Journal 6, p. 49
- WTA/MET: Laws of the Wild Revised Edition, p. 133-135
- WTA: Players Guide to Garou, p. 189-190
- Rage CCG: Rainmakers (Sense of the Prey)
- W20: Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 173-174
- W20: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Wyld West Expansion Pack, p. 31
- W20: Kinfolk: A Breed Apart, p. 66
- W20/MET: Mind's Eye Theatre: Werewolf: The Apocalypse
- W20: Auspice Gift Cards (Pulse of the Prey, Thousand Forms)
- W5: 5th Edition Core Book, p. 164-165
- W5: Shattered Nation
^ Level 1
^ Level 2
^ Level 3
^ Level 4
^ Level 5
^ Total Renown 3
Curse of Aeolus | 5th Edition Core Book | p. 164 |
Halt the Coward's Flight | 5th Edition Core Book | p. 161 |
Porcupine's Reprisal | 5th Edition Core Book | p. 156 |
^ Total Renown 6
Coup de Grace | 5th Edition Core Book | p. 164 |
Kali's Scar | 5th Edition Core Book | p. 164 |
Wasp Talons | 5th Edition Core Book | p. 164-165 |
^ Total Renown 9
Break the Shackles | 5th Edition Core Book | p. 160 |
Drain Spirit | 5th Edition Core Book | p. 155 |
Gorgon's Visage | 5th Edition Core Book | p. 165-166 |
Whelp Body | 5th Edition Core Book | p. 152 |
Breath of the Wyld | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | Pg. 133-134 |
Curse of Aeolus | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | Pg. 134 |
Heightened Senses | The Apocalypse | Pg. 93 |
Heightened Senses | Laws of the Wild | Pg. 107 |
Heightened Senses | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | Pg. 134 |
Kneel | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 151 |
Man's Skin | Mind's Eye Theatre Journal 6 | p. 49 |
Sense of the Prey | The Apocalypse | Pg. 93 |
Sense of the Prey | Laws of the Wild | Pg. 107 |
Sense of the Prey | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 151 |
Sense of the Prey | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | Pg. 134 |
Sense Wyrm | The Apocalypse | Pg. 93 |
Sense Wyrm | Laws of the Wild | Pg. 107 |
Sense Wyrm | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 151 |
Sense Wyrm | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | Pg. 134 |
Song of the Seasons | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 151 |
Body Wrack | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | Pg. 134 |
Coup de Grace | The Apocalypse | Pg. 93 |
Coup de Grace | Laws of the Wild | Pg. 107 |
Coup de Grace | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | Pg. 134 |
Devil Talons | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 151-152 |
Flames of Hestia | Mind's Eye Theatre Journal 6 | p. 49 |
Song of the Siren | The Apocalypse | Pg. 93 |
Song of the Siren | Laws of the Wild | Pg. 107 |
Spirit Ripper | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 152 |
Visceral Agony | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | Pg. 134 |
Wasp Talons | The Apocalypse | Pg. 93 |
Wasp Talons | Laws of the Wild | Pg. 107 |
Wasp Talons | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 152 |
Wasp Talons | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | Pg. 134 |
Arrow of Artemis | Mind's Eye Theatre Journal 6 | p. 49 |
Bacchantes' Rage | The Apocalypse | Pg. 93 |
Bacchantes' Rage | Laws of the Wild | Pg. 107 |
Beast Witch | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 153 |
Body Wrack | The Apocalypse | Pg. 93 |
Body Wrack | Laws of the Wild | Pg. 107 |
Gorgon's Gaze | The Apocalypse | Pg. 93 |
Healing Breath of Mother Gaia | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 152 |
The Thousand Forms of Gaia | Laws of the Wild | Pg. 107 |
Thousand Forms | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | Pg. 134 |
Wyldstorm | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 152-153 |
Wyld Warp | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | Pg. 134-135 |