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Benefice is a class of Transmutations found in Promethean: The Created, and is practiced by those who follow or once followed the Aes Refinement. It allows a Promethean to provide boons and assistance to others in their throng.

Transmutation Abilities[]

2nd Edition[]


The alembic of Command allows a Promethean to enhance the effects of their throng working well together. Teamwork becomes easier for the entire throng.

  • Many Hands Make Light Work: The Promethean allows their throng-mates to participate together in non-combat actions.
  • Able Worker: The Promethean can raise the spirit of their throng-mates.
  • The Community of Power: The Promethean can lend his own powers to that of a throng-mate.


The alembic of Community allows the Promethean to keep their throng together against the odds of Torment and the different pulls of humours. It allows to give Pyros to other members of the throng.

  • Communal Font: The Promethean pushes Pyros through the alchemical brands of the throng, allowing for a quicker exchange.
  • We are as One: The Promethean can affect their throngmates with distillations that require touch without actually touching them.
  • What’s Mine is Yours: The Promethean can lend Transmutations to other members of the throng.


The alembic of Consortium allows a throng to work more effectively together. It allows throng-mates to switch their initiative in a fight.

  • The Fortified Compact: The Promethean enhances the beneficial effects of their alchemical brands.
  • Common Perception: The Promethean can allow their throng-mates to share their senses with each other.
  • Unspoken Words: The Promethean can allow their throng-mates to exchange thought telepathically.


The alembic of Control allows the enhancement of a throngs defensive capabilities. When fighting together, throngmates benefit from enhanced defense.

  • Protective Boon: By spending Pyros, the Promethean's companions become more able to avoid attacks.
  • Inviolable Unity: The Promethean clothes their throng in armour made out of alchemical fire.
  • Bulwark: The Promethean can make a throng-mate immune to psychological attacks.

1st Edition[]

Promethean: The Created Rulebook[]

  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Helping Hand - A Sentry can share Pyros during a non-combat action.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Many Hands Make Light Work - Prometheans in a throng participate in a perfectly coordinated action.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Apportion Harm - A Sentry can absorb injuries from another Promethean.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Share Pyros - The same as the Vulcanus ability, a Sentry can share Pyros at any time with a touch.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Able Worker - A Sentry can temporarily improve a companion's Attribute.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Common Perception - A Sentry can tap into another Promethean's senses.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet The Community of Power - A throng can aid one of their members in using Transmutations and Bestowments.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Protective Boon - A Sentry can improve another Promethean's defense with a touch.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet The Fortified Compact - A Sentry can temporarily make an alchemical pact or strengthen a current one.

Strange Alchemies[]

  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Inviolable Unity - A Sentry infuses the members of their throng with Pyros armor.


Promethean: The Created Transmutation Classes






