The Beltaine Blade is a shadowy, Secret Society of sidhe nobles dedicated to preserving the traditional oligarchy of Kithain society.
Somewhat like the historic Star Chamber, these sidhe nobles do support the Monarchy, in principle, but are far more interested in empowering feudal nobles and so they work to weaken King David while tightening their own grip on power. They have adherents in powerful positions, including at the court of Tara-Nar, Although its membership is exclusively sidhe, it uses commoner races as soldiers and assassins. The Blade's current project is to disenfranchise the trolls, whom they consider a threat to the "true nobility," which are themselves.
The Blade is extremely ruthless and is rumored to have been involved in the Beltaine Night of Iron Knives Massacre. Predominantly Traditionalist in makeup, there are a few Modernists within its ranks, but they are only interested in the utilitarian aspects of modern society, not any of its more egalitarian ideals. The current leader of the Blade is Duke Dyfell's cousin, Duke Dray. While there are few full-time Unseelie changelings within the Blade, it is still a bloodthirsty group and even has some contacts among the vampire Ventrue.
Gentlemen, I'm sure you can all see the rightness of my claim. We, the nobles, are most fit to rule. We know our subjects better than any other. We can uphold our responsibilities best. What harm is there in empowering ourselves to serve our people better?
- Duke Dray
- Duke Edgar Vandermere ap Beaumayne
- Sir Medran Armitage ap Daireann
- Count Arthaud Mellenys ap Dougal
Rituals and Rites[]
As their name suggests, Beltaine is an important time for the members of the Blade. Every year, they gather at a hidden freehold in the Near Dreaming to induct new members into their ranks, report on its members' doings over the course of the previous year, and select new targets for the following year. Taking the form of an elaborate masque, it is often as much a social gathering as a political one, allowing members of the Beltaine Blade who must wear elaborate public personas in order to retain their positions to tear away those disguises and be their true selves, if only for a few nights.
The Beltaine Blade is far larger and more successfully secretive organization than most residents of Concordia either suspect or know, and they possess methods of identifying one another in moments of peril or crisis. Any member of the Blade can locate one of their fellows and call upon their assistance when in danger.
No member of the Beltaine Blade may offer mercy or quarter to a fallen commoner enemy, upon pain of expulsion from the organization and the full wrath of the Dreaming.
The Beltaine Blade exclusively recruits sidhe, preferably Seelie, who know their rightful place and are willing to assert it by any means necessary, including force. Possessing a selection of useful commoner minions, followers, or expendable dupes is a definite benefit, but claiming a commoner as a friend immediately disqualifies the potential recruit.
Once a member identifies a potential recruit, a Blade member approaches them with an offer of sponsorship. Should the recruit accept, the sponsor extensively tests said recruit's resolve and competence. Successful recruits are then presented to the society at the next revel to be inducted into the ranks. If, at any point, a potential recruits displays signs of weakness or commoner sympathies, their sponsor is expected to dispose of them as expediently as possible to maintain the Blade's utmost secrecy.
- CTD: Nobles: The Shining Host, p. 44-45
- CTD: Noblesse Oblige: The Book of Houses, p. 3
- CTD: Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition Player's Guide, p. 63-65