White Wolf Wiki

The Beaulac Clinic is an Aesculapian medical clinic in the Wroclaw sector of Olympus, Luna. It was the site of research associated with the Huang-Marr Biorg Project in 2120.


The Bealauc Clinic was founded by Desmond McManus in 2116. It is named after Alison Beaulac, one of the first Aesculapian psions, who was killed in the Esperanza disaster.

By 2120 the clinic had become the largest hospital on Luna, with over thirty satellite locations across Luna. It also sponsored a mobile medical clinic, the Doc Hopper, that served more far-flung outposts.[1] The clinic has eleven public floors, and in the tradition of older Lunar architecture is built below ground. McManus regarded this as a political statement; unlike the elite housing on the surface using the most advanced materials, the Beaulac Clinic was "for everyone."[2] Entrance to the clinic is on the Mezzazine Level.[3]

McManus eventually grew homesick for Earth, and handed over administration of the clinic to Dr. Jerzy Grabowski.[4] Grabowski became popular with most of his employees for the simple fact that he hired locally and paid well; except for a few rexes of the Port-au-Prince faction, most of the Beaulac Clinic's staff were fanatically loyal to him.[5]

Huang-Marr Biorg Project[]

The clinic became the main research site for the Huang-Marr Biorg Project, a secret research program conducted by Aesculapian doctors and Orgotek engineers. The scientists were testing advanced, taint-enhanced bioware on unwilling test subjects, including Dr. Malachi Ross.[6]

Grabowski, who had long advocated for research into taint and Aberration[7], oversaw the project directly, along with Drs. Heinrich Mangels and Doris Ashiluna. The experiments were conducted at a secret twelfth level deep below the surface.[8] The research required large amounts of biomass, and the conspirators engineered a series of kidnappings across Luna. Most of the bodies were hidden by being recycled into Beaulac's Organ Bank.[9]


On January 29, 2120, a residential area directly below the lowest level of the clinic known as "Freak Alley" collapsed, killing hundreds of people.[10] Grabowski deliberately destroyed the warren after several years of failed campaigns to have to cleared out by the authorities, so that the clinic could expand vertically.[11]

This, and the incident at Cantor Station, led the project's Basel-based oversees to order the shut down the Huang-Marr project. All the people and resources involved were to be transferred off Luna, including Grabowski himself.[12] In the meantime, residents of Freak Alley who survived the collapse were passed through the clinic's psychiatric ward and had their memories altered to ensure no one remembered the biorgs' presence; those who refused to come in for treatment were killed.[13]

