In the enigmatic existence of the Kindred, the Beast represents the primal, inchoate urges that lurk beneath the veneer of civility and humanity. This dark counterpart drives vampires towards their most basic survival instincts, often at the expense of their more refined human traits.
Nature of the Beast[]
The Beast is an integral part of every vampire, an ever-present force that pushes them towards aggression, predation, and self-preservation. It is the raw impulse that compels a vampire to feed, to dominate, and to flee from threats, embodying the eternal conflict between their former human selves and their current predatory nature.
Manifestations of the Beast[]
The most overt expression of the Beast is the frenzy, a state of heightened aggression and reduced self-control. During a frenzy, a vampire is driven to extreme behaviors, such as rampant feeding or blind rage, often leading to consequences that can affect their relationships and standing within Kindred society.
On a more subtle level, the Beast influences a vampire’s interactions with others, enhancing their predatory nature. This can manifest in heightened senses, an imposing presence, or an instinctual understanding of fear and weakness in others.
The Beast and Humanity[]
The struggle with the Beast is a central theme in the existence of the Kindred. Vampires must continually balance their inhuman impulses with their remnants of humanity, a process that is not only psychological but also moral. The Beast challenges a vampire's self-control and pushes them towards actions that may conflict with their ethical standards and desires for personal connections.
Cultural Significance[]
Within Kindred culture, the Beast is both feared and respected. It is recognized as a source of strength and a marker of the vampiric condition, but also as a potential downfall. How a vampire manages their Beast is often seen as a measure of their prowess and wisdom. Tales of those who have succumbed to or successfully controlled their Beast are common, serving as cautionary tales or exemplars.
- Vampire: The Requiem Rulebook, p. 84
- Vampire: The Requiem Second Edition, p.91-92