Bastet is the Pesedjet goddess of fate.
Though normally associated with cats, Bastet is also adept at prophecy. Thoth entrusted her with a book that governs time, space, and the cycles of life and death, and with it she keeps the World moving in time. She can look through the eyes of any cat to see what is transpiring far away, and she and her Scions work to keep the secrets of the universe, well, secret.
Of the Pesedjet, Bastet is probably the most open to new experiences; she once went on an special exchange program to Japan and was trained as a geisha. Her mortal guises range from a dancer to a madam to a spy, utilizing both her beauty and her inquisitive nature. Bastet's Scions are also curious, and tend to obsess over something new until they've figured it out completely.
Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Dexterity, Epic Perception, Epic Wits, Animal (Cat), Heku, Moon, Prophecy, Sun, Vengeance
Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Brawl, Larceny, Stealth, Survival
Rivals: Isis; Frigg, Hera, Ogoun, Raiden, Tlazoltéotl
- Scion: Scion: Hero, p. 50