White Wolf Wiki

Basel is the second-largest city in Switzerland. In the Trinity timeline, it is home to the Montressor Clinic, headquarters of the Aesculapian Order.


Basel is "old and rustic" compared to the Zurich-Geneva arcology, with only a few buildings erected since the Aberrant War[1]. However, it remains a cosmopolitan city struggling to absorb a wave of French refugees in the wake of the Esperanza disaster.[2] The city proper is built on a hill called the Münsterhügel, though it has absorbed several surrounding communities in practice if not in name. [3] Since the 20th century, heavy industry has largely abandoned the metro area, but the tourism, service, and hospitality sectors have grown, especially since the opening of the clinic.[4] Schilltronix AG has its warehouses and corporate offices in the city.[5]

In 2120, the mayor of Basel is Clement Huber.[6]


The Montressor Clinic occupies a 10th-century monastery on Wartenburg Hill in the suburb of Muttenz. Indeed, the clinic so thoroughly dominates the area and its economy that it might as well be Muttenz.[2] It shares the hilltop with the ruined Wartenburg Castle. Other attractions in the area include the Church of St. Arbogast and the Waldhaus, a hotel and restaurant — one of the few such businesses in Muttenz not owned, directly or indirectly, by the Clinic.[4]

