White Wolf Wiki

Barracuda is a Solo living in Night City.


With eight years of experience as a Solo, Barracuda is neither suicidal nor stupid. If the odds turn against her she will attempt to E&E (Evade & Escape) out of there. She will then wait and watch while deciding whether to try again. She doesn't believe in the supernatural, and certainly not in vampires. She does, however, believe in Minami-10 Sinart submachine guns.


A short, muscular woman in a leather jacket and denim jeans. She carries a Smartchipped Minami-10.

Roleplaying Hints[]

You are bad. You are nasty, and you are tougher and meaner than anything else out on the street. When you want something the current owner does not wish to give you, intimidate the hell out of him. If that doesn't work, shoot him, then take it.

Character Sheet[]

Influence: None outside the Combat Zone.

