The Barony of Vellumton is in the Fief of Willow's Heart, in the Kingdom of Willows.

This small but vibrant barony lies north and east of Atlanta and serves as a cultural and social center for the Kithain who live in and around Athens, Madison, and Watkinsville, Georgia. Steeped in history and Glamour, the Barony of Vellumton offers a haven to artists and musicians, many of whom are initially attracted to the region by the University of Georgia's intellectual and cultural climate as well as its superb Greek-Revival mansions and buildings.
Whitehall Keep, the freehold granted by Meilge to the Baron and Baroness of Vellumton, operates on its grounds a Victorian-style bed and breakfast that serves as an elegant headquarters for mortals visiting the area. In the Dreaming, the mansion doubles as the baronial palace of Baron Arawn and his consort, Baroness Ellawyn, who act as the gracious, if a bit eccentric, hosts for their fortunate guests.
The magnificent lawn outside Whitehall Keep is the site of an annual tournament complete with medieval jousting, swordplay, performances by troubadours, jongleurs, and dancers. Mortals and Kithain mix freely in this Glamour-rich atmosphere to re-enact the customs of the age of chivalry.
- CTD. Kingdom of Willows, p. 52.