White Wolf Wiki

The Barnambirr Caern is a Uktena caern located in Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater, Australia.[1]


This is one of four caerns held by the Uktena in Australia; the other three are located at Uluru, Katajuta and Purnululu. The crater holding the caern was formed 250,000 years ago, although the caern itself was only opened in 1975. Since then, the Red Talons, led by Kirijunu of the Tanami Protectorate, have tried to seize the caern from the Uktena, without success.

Barnambirr, the caern's totem spirit, guards the spirits of dead Garou until their reincarnation. The ritemasters of the caern can channel the spirit's power into their past Life Dice Pools, greatly facilitating communication with Ancestor-spirits (one Past Life die per successes for all participating in the rite). They also gain Gnosis to distribute among the caern's sept.

Sept Members[]

