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Barcelona is a city in northeastern Spain and the capital of the autonomous community of Catalonia. For information on the real-world city, see: Barcelona.

Vampire: The Masquerade[]

In the Middle Ages, Barcelona was ruled by Prince Ramon Vera until 1164, and then Mireia Subira until 1230. Iberia by Night identifies them both as Lasombra, but other sources say they were both Ventrue.[1][2] Ferdinand, the sire of Salvador Garcia, met his Final Death in an attack on a later, unnamed Ventrue Prince during the Spanish Civil War.[3]

Mage: The Ascension[]

The Arcanum has established a Chapter House in the city. [4]

Wraith: The Oblivion[]

During World War I, the Grim Legion easily took control of Barcelona's necropolis. Most of the wraiths there were depressed and listless, surrounding by spectral remains of Spain's imperial past but with no hope for their own futures. Spectres spawned by the Fourth Great Maelstrom plagued the necropolis, and few of the native wraiths cared to put up much of a fight, forcing the Legion to invest additional resources in defense; "sent to Barcelona" eventually became a euphemism for execution. The Skeletal Lord mustered considerable forces in the area due to the Spanish influenza as well.

A few of Barcelona's wraiths are Heretics, clinging to the Catholic (or, for older ghosts, Muslim) faith they had in life. Some of the former style themselves as an ongoing Inquisition against non-believers.[5]


