White Wolf Wiki

See also: Balthazar (disambiguation)

Balthazar, born Thomas Ewell, is the brutish and mocked former Sheriff of Chicago. He lost all the money he was once given while Lodin supported him. Now, he’s desperate to find a new patron to sustain his decadent lifestyle. Without financial backing, Balthazar risks reverting to his old habits of raiding for wealth—a dangerous endeavor in the modern nights.


I’m the real Sheriff, and I’m bringing the real goddamn law.

Mortal Days[]

Thomas Ewell was an aristocrat, spoiled and privileged. Born in 1827 in southern Georgia, he was beaten by a violent father, instilling in him a hatred for authority. When it was found that Thomas had in turn killed several of the slaves on his family’s cotton plantation, he was exiled from home. Thomas never healed those deep psychological wounds and was never further punished for his crimes, so he headed north to New York, fitting in well with the street gangs who had free rein to do as they pleased. It was there he found himself when the Civil War broke out, using it as an excuse to rally other local Confederates to raid the New England coast and build a fortune of his own. His violent passion for conquest inspired impressive loyalty in the outlaws who followed him.

Although he mostly used the war as an excuse to steal and murder, the premise of the war set him firmly on the side of the South, not for any loyalty to kin or home but rather from a disgust at seeing any slaves freed. A deep-set racism had settled into his violent heart. He raided as far north as Canada, where he settled for a brief period of time with his fleeting fortunes. It was in Canada that the vampire Alexis Blanc took notice of Ewell. Alexis had fled Paris to escape the Camarilla and settled in Ottawa as one of the four city Barons. The two met at a society ball, and she was irresistibly drawn to his violent, domineering, aristocratic nature. He saw her as a driven heiress from whom he could regain his fortunes, but she was more of a femme fatale than he realized. Ewell thought he was manipulating her, which Alexis found adorable, and chose to Embrace him days after the war ended. She was far more ruthless than he, which surprised and delighted him.

Kindred Nights[]

Ewell remained in Canada with his sire after the Confederate defeat and took on the new name Balthazar to fit his new identity. With Alexis, he found he could be himself, but she grew more independent than the women he had met. He quickly tired of this once he learned she was the one in control. Ewell moved out, refusing to submit to her power or recognize her authority as Prince of Ottawa.

In the late 1870s, Balthazar and his new childe Marc Levesque ventured to Chicago in the hope of establishing a Brujah state. They became fast friends with Modius, a local powerbroker waging a war against Chicago’s corrupt political system. Balthazar encouraged Alexis to join them, the three joining Modius’ side in a Kindred war far more brutal than Balthazar could have imagined. Modius’ followers bored Balthazar with their politics, however, and he soon grew weary of their poverty-drenched activism. There was no fortune to be won in this war, only a territory he wasn’t thrilled to rebuild. Alexis became more intolerable to him by the night, at the height of her power and disregarding most of what he had to say in favor of Marc and Modius.

At this point, Balthazar fell back into his decadent aristocratic patterns, the passion for war draining from him as he felt powerless. He started attending elite parties again, which is where he met the Ventrue Hinds. It turned out to be a historic meeting, as Hinds was hunting ways to take out Modius in Lodin’s name. Balthazar, a prized general in Modius’ war, agreed to betray Modius and Alexis in exchange for a handsome sum and the freedom to choose whomever he wanted as vessels. That night, Balthazar led a group of Ventrue to Modius’ haven. He drove a stake through Alexis’ heart and watched her burn as the place caught fire.

Marc’s anger was palpable, and though Balthazar could feel his murderous intentions, he couldn’t bring himself to dispatch his childe. He hoped one day Marc would come around and get over the woman who stood between them.

The Primogen respected Balthazar, and he gained notoriety under Lodin’s reign. Younger vampires feared his ruthless unpredictability. He used this to his advantage, assisting Ballard in the suppression of the city Anarchs. Lodin wielded Balthazar like a sword, using his violence to rid Chicago of anyone he disliked, and placating the Brujah with every debased luxury Balthazar could desire.

Chicago’s Brujah universally despised Balthazar, calling him “traitor” to his face. Even the Hellenes, Critias, and Damien called him “Caitiff.” Every time he heard an insult, he hated himself a little more and remembered betraying his sire, projecting that self-hatred onto the victims of his next violent spree.

Once Prince Jackson took Chicago, Balthazar’s unlife became difficult. He was ousted from the inner circle, Jackson wanting nothing to do with this violent, racist Brujah. He’s now barely tolerated by most in power, though some Primogen secretly communicate with him and keep him in the loop. It’s only a matter of time before someone else wields this violent Brujah for their own ends, or he does something stupidly destructive.


Balthazar has a very expressive face that mostly showcases his disappointment with everyone around him. He’s only seen smiling in the midst of a violent display. Yesterday’s well-to-do fashions fit his sturdy frame, giving him a rugged sort of handsomeness that is usually obscured by his ruthless nature. He has been seen in one carefully kept contemporary suit, allowing him to maintain an air of aristocracy while out and about.

Character Sheet[]

Chicago by Night applicable stats
Chicago by Night Second Edition applicable stats

CbN 1st & 2nd Edition[]

Image: When not scowling, Balthazar is surprisingly good-looking. On the rare occasions he decides to dress up, he sheds much of the oafish demeanor for a more refined appearance. However, Sheriff revels in the insults hurled at him by his fellow Brujah and lives up to the crude stereotypes they assign him. In recent years, he has embraced this image, adopting a Stetson hat, Western boots, and the habit of chewing tobacco. When not indulging in this persona to antagonize his peers, Balthazar frequents the Rack, often dressed in sharp, well-tailored clothing that starkly contrasts his usual rough image.
Roleplaying Hints: Be pushy, taking up as much of others' physical space as possible. Let your arrogance and malevolence seep into your voice and demeanor. Speak with a slow Southern drawl, but drop it entirely when angered. Above all, seek respect through fear. You want the Brujah, in particular, to recognize and dread your name.
Haven: Balthazar maintains multiple well-hidden havens throughout the city. Each is a closely guarded secret, and he ensures they are all heavily secured. While he sleeps, one of his Retainers—a fiercely loyal and ruthless ex-cop—stands guard to ensure his safety.
Secrets: B
Influence: Balthazar has been steadily Dominating police officers across the city, planting agents in almost every department. While he lacks full control over any single precinct, his influence is widespread. Balthazar's Retainers consist of five former police officers, each dismissed from the force under dishonorable circumstances. These ex-cops are as ruthless as their master and have been superbly Conditioned to follow his orders without question. They are well-trained in dealing with Kindred threats and will go to any lengths to carry out Balthazar's commands.

Fifth Edition[]


Balthazar's death is assumed to be 1993,[1] but he survives into modern nights.


