White Wolf Wiki
WW4010 WOD-Sorcerer - The Hedge Wizards Handbook

A Balamob practitioner being embraced by a spirit

Balamob sorcerers are the recipients of the wisdom of ch'ulel, the stuff of the soul and the itiz,  the magical sap of the World Tree. They invoke the wayob, the companion spirit animals to transform into beasts that can fight the dark creatures on the edge of society that wish to destroy humanity. Once the dark spirits were under control, the Balamob rose to leadership positions within the Maya culture until torn apart by in-fighting and laid low by the conquistadors.


Xibalba is the concept of a spirit world below and above the mortal world. This place  (the Umbra) contains evil spirits but the place itself is not evil. Each itzamna or practitioner receives a wayob to change shapes. Most practitioners have a preferred partner. Magic takes place in trances and the first spirit contacted will be a recurring companion, assistant, and guard. 

Cosmologically, the connecting point between worlds is the Wakah-Chan or world tree which separates earth and sky but unites both sides of the Guantlet. The sap of the tree flows through the liquids of human body and are offered in sacrifice.

Dance is also important and a mixture of blood offering and dance forms a potent combination. Dance may include using specially prepared pelts. Dances aren't tied to specific locales but may be more potent at holy sites.


Drawn largely from locals in Mesoamerica with a smattering of others, initiates go through a complex study period to learn Mayan cosmology and symbolism as well as the Mestizo dialect. While language itself is not sacred, the magic only works when Mestizo is known. The initiate then goes through a first trance and assumes a dream-form that is often an animal. Once complete, the initiate is a full member.  


The group doesn't have strong central organization but has some set of alliances or rivalries between elder members. A small group includes Christianity in their practice but the group sticks to the traditional homealnd arcing from the Yucatan peninsula and El Salvador. Some venture beyond.

The group is also under consideration for membership in the Disparate Alliance

