White Wolf Wiki

A Bad Seed is a specific 'sub-type' of fomori that describes a fomor that has been possessed by a Bane since birth.


Bad Seeds are products of generational wickedness, long planning, and the collusion of human cults with the possessing Bane itself. Indeed, Bad Seeds are possessed by the same Bane that tormented their parents before they were even conceived, and that now takes advantage of the trauma they experienced in their ruinous family. Bad Seeds show an almost divine reverence for the “angel that sings” in their heads, with a strange sort of charisma. And if a Bad Seed can find a suitable mate — whatever that means — they’ll pass on the family legacy as well as they’re able. Bad Seeds usually wear icons, brands, and tattoos of their cultic devotion openly.

Bad Seeds bully and command others to do their bidding, whether they are themselves other fomori, or merely terrified family members or cultists.


Unlike many other fomori, Bad Seeds show no outward physical signs of their Bane possession. When they do invoke their “gifts,” the Bane appears almost superimposed over their seemingly human form. This “rapture state” is nearly instantaneous, and Bad Seeds can reflexively enter it in response to an attack. In their “rapture,” Bad Seeds gain fused-hand clubbing fists, gain Enhanced Resistance, and reduce all damage taken by 2 before halving.


  • General Difficulty: 4 / 3
  • Standard Dice Pools: Physical 5, Social 5, Mental 5
  • Secondary Attributes: Health 8, Willpower 7
  • Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 8, Firearms 6, Leadership 8, Occult 6, Persuasion 8

