White Wolf Wiki

Bad Night at Blackmoon Farm is an SAS for Hunter: The Vigil.


From the Onyx Path catalog:

In the distance, it all seems quiet.
Night has fallen. Clouds wreathe the moon, then engulf it. The shapes of the farm buildings up on the rounded knoll look like dark cutouts pasted against a matte blue midnight sky. It’s peaceful. Pastoral. Nothing could be wrong here, could it?
Then: a gunshot. A scream. A child’s cry. Hissing shadows gather with blinking yellow eyes, and incomprehensible whispers drift down across the swaying grasses… You came figuring this would be easy. But now…
Now, it looks like it’s going to be a bad night at Blackmoon Farm.
A story in the Storytelling Adventure System for Hunter: The Vigil.
Bad Night at Blackmoon Farm contains maps, Storyteller character records, a number of hyperlinks to various portions of the text as well as bookmarks, so you can always jump right to what you need with just a click.

Background Information[]

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