White Wolf Wiki

Baby Chorus is a coterie shaped as a Punk Blues band, special for its commitment to music above all else, despite the varied interests of its kindred.

With a new lineup but retaining the original members, the band is led by Kathy Glens, a highly talented Toreador who serves as the lead guitarist, and Damien, the sheriff, who also acts as the singer and guitarist. Although Evan Klein remains unstable due to his multiple personalities, Tamoszius serves as the creative director of the group, participating only sporadically in performances, while several other hired members join the group.

Baby Chorus is seen by many Kindred as a unique way to bring together vampires from different clans and, in the process, create something truly special.


In Chicago, messing with Baby Chorus is more dangerous than driving a stake through the Prince’s heart or using claws at a Cubs game. The band is not just a musical powerhouse; it’s also a political phenomenon both feared and respected. Baby Chorus is special because, despite the personal or political interests of its members, their dedication to music comes above all else. This sincerity wins over almost everyone, except for the most unfeeling Kindred. Even the cruelest monsters of vampiric society acknowledge that without something like Baby Chorus, there would be nothing of value in Chicago’s Kindred subculture.

When Prince Jackson chose Damien as Sheriff, the greatest concern wasn’t the vampire’s anarchist past but the risk of pulling him away from the band. To ease tensions, Jackson publicly assured that Damien would remain a member of Baby Chorus for as long as he wanted.

The band’s music defies classification. Combining a variety of genres, the essence of Baby Chorus is a unique fusion of blues and punk, guided by electrifying guitar riffs. They have the ability to incorporate new musical styles in a way that always feels timeless, belonging to the eternal present of their creation. Under the visionary leadership of Kathy Glens, Baby Chorus constantly explores uncharted artistic territories, both for Kindred and mortals.

Some of their compositions demand speed and precision beyond human capabilities. Others have such subtle layers that only those with superhuman senses can fully appreciate them. Even so, Baby Chorus remains accessible, satisfying mortal fans’ cravings for visceral, dark blues rock with a gothic touch, the hallmark of their performances.

The band has refused full sponsorships from wealthy Kindred, insisting that working for their music is essential to their creative process. Despite this, they agreed to play at the Succubus Club as part of the deal that made Damien Sheriff. This return also came at a time when they needed funds to reestablish themselves. Since then, Chicago’s promoters have learned that the legends about Baby Chorus are true: the band is exceptionally talented.

If its members weren’t vampires, they would probably be on international tours, with million-dollar contracts and all the trappings of fame. However, that is out of the question. Renowned artists cite Baby Chorus as an influence, and some have even performed with them, but they avoid commenting on it publicly. Those who know the truth understand that Baby Chorus is a well-kept secret, reserved for Chicago’s club circuit and private shows. Audio bootlegs circulate clandestinely, with the band itself secretly contributing to their distribution.

Recording Baby Chorus on video is a risk few dare to take. Any attempt results in videos being swiftly taken down by the band’s skilled agents before the vampiric nature of its members can be exposed. Another unspoken rule: feeding or causing conflicts at one of the band’s shows is strictly prohibited. Any violation is severely punished.

Today, Baby Chorus’s longevity poses an increasing risk to the Masquerade. The band members, newly returned to the scene, appear frighteningly well-preserved. Fans speculate that Kathy Glens, now in her "50s," has undergone some kind of miraculous rejuvenation. Damien, dividing his time between the band and his duties as Sheriff, performs wearing sunglasses and a hoodie, adopting the stage name "Cosmo" to maintain discretion.

Evan Klein, on the other hand, alternates between his personas. When he takes on the role of Raymond Falcon — now known as Evan K — he brings all the energy and passion the audience expects. For now, the strategy works, and Baby Chorus continues to be the beating heart of a scene that defies the rules of vampiric society while delivering unforgettable music.

Backstage Coterie[]

The band rehearses promptly at 10 PM every Thursday at the Succubus Club. Attendance is mandatory for all members, except in cases of Final Death or similarly extreme circumstances. Anyone who misses a rehearsal without proper justification is automatically considered out of the band. Damien, due to his responsibilities as Sheriff, is a reluctant exception to this rule. Hired musicians have a bit more flexibility, but Kathy Glens has made it clear: any aspiring full member must treat rehearsals as sacred.

The band enforces strict rules regarding interaction with the audience. The use of Disciplines to influence the minds of spectators is prohibited, except in rare cases. Additionally, Baby Chorus only accepts cash payments, and clients must sign contracts ensuring absolute privacy from arrival to departure. Band members are not allowed to promote the group outside this context or use their participation in the Chorus to boost individual contracts. The band's earnings come exclusively from live performances and the "pirated" merchandise secretly managed by Tamoszius.

Political activities are also strictly banned during rehearsals or performances. Show choices must never be politically motivated, with the exception of the recent residency at the Succubus Club, which set a precedent. As Kathy Glens reportedly said: “If the Sabbat still existed, had a pile of money, and followed our rules, we’d definitely play for them.”

The mortal fans of Baby Chorus know the band is unlike any other, though few suspect the supernatural influence. Due to the band’s long period of inactivity, its followers are divided into two major groups:

The “Old Babies” Fans in their 40s and 50s who grew up with the band’s gothic blues, a style many feel has lost its intensity over time.

The “New Babies” Young people in their early 20s, coming from the alternative music scene with a consciously retro and eclectic taste.

Despite its influence, Baby Chorus remains indifferent to trends in fashion and style. The fans they value most are not part of these groups but rather the crowds in Chicago’s bars, where patrons dance to their blues rhythms.

Baby Chorus's territory is bounded by the Chicago River to the south, East Chicago Drive to the north, North LaSalle Avenue to the west, and North Michigan Avenue to the east. This area includes some of the city’s most prestigious clubs, as well as numerous smaller, hidden bars.

By decree of the local Camarilla, this region is considered a Rack, but Baby Chorus maintains full control and can restrict Kindred feeding in their area at any time. During the band’s shows, feeding within a three-block radius is prohibited unless previously agreed upon with the members. They also have unrestricted access to the backstage and storage areas of the Succubus Club.

Baby Chorus has transcended its role as a band, becoming a Plumaire coterie with substantial relevance. Some Kindred, more concerned with social taxonomy, consider the group a Questari group due to its influence and growing legacy.

With one foot in vampiric culture and the other in the heart of Chicago’s music scene, Baby Chorus continues to challenge conventions while staying true to its artistic essence.


Baby Chorus was founded in 1971 by Kathy Glens, a talented musician with extensive experience in blues, folk, and rock. When punk emerged, Kathy fully embraced the genre, channeling her talent into it. She had her first encounter with the punk movement at one of Chicago's pioneering clubs, where she performed in the late 1970s when kate met garwood marshall. In 1980, Damien joined the band as the lead vocalist.

Kathy quickly gained recognition as one of the city's most renowned guitarists. Meanwhile, Marshall's vocal and saxophone skills consistently earned critical acclaim. The band’s lineup was rounded out by bassist Raymond Falcon and guitarist Damien. After the original drummer, Ishmael, died during the "Night of Rage" in the Malkavian revolt, a mortal named Karla K. Ruby took over on drums. However, the band plans to replace her when a suitable opportunity arises.

Baby Chorus built a solid fan base in Chicago's club scene, though it remains a local band with a modest regional following. Despite attracting interest from major national record labels, the group chose to stay independent, releasing two albums on their own.

This independence and influence have not escaped Lodin’s notice, who views the band as a strategic piece in his political games. He is considering revealing information about Baby Chorus to the Ventrue Justicar as a means of convening a Conclave to judge the "violators of the Masquerade." During such a gathering, Lodin plans to eliminate the threat posed by the band and advance his own agenda. He has a history of manipulating Conclaves to his advantage but underestimates the influential supporters of the band, such as Critias and DuSable.

Baby Chorus has played a unique role in Chicago's vampiric society, serving as a meeting point for members of rival clans. The harmonious relationship between Brujah, Malkavian, and Toreador within the band is often viewed with surprise, but it’s undeniable that these clans create extraordinary music together.

Chicago War[]

The Chicago War was a series of violent battles fought between various factions of Cainites and Garou in the city around 1993. While chaos unfolded in the streets, Baby Chorus performed for a packed crowd at the iconic Succubus Club.

Kathy was at the peak of her performance when Damien dove onto the stage, energizing the audience. As she prepared to launch into an electrifying solo that would capture everyone's attention, a scream of agony echoed throughout the venue. It was Tamoszius. Kathy’s blood pulsed along with the rapid notes of her guitar as she looked towards her father and witnessed a horrifying scene: a three-meter-tall, fur-covered creature was tearing Tamoszius apart and reducing Garwood Marshall to ashes. Before she could react, six more Lupinos stormed the crowd, spreading chaos and destruction.

Damien, consumed by bloodlust, erupted into violence. Even amidst the attack, Kate advanced on one of the beasts, striking it repeatedly with the sharp strings of her guitar. However, Evan Klein, in an unusual act, managed to convince the werewolves to spare him by adopting a persona that resembled a Lupino himself.

The battle left a trail of dead and wounded at the Succubus Club, marking those who survived.

After the massacre, Kathy rejected all of Damien’s pleas to restart the band. Instead of performing again, she isolated herself in an abandoned basement on the South Side, spending her days listening to records, editing music, and practicing guitar in complete solitude, far from any audience. Damien, unable to understand Kathy’s withdrawal, turned to the study of the occult, preparing himself for future conflicts. He tried to restart Baby Chorus multiple times but failed in all attempts.

Unbound, Damien began to wander across the United States, performing in cities dominated by both Anarchists and the Camarilla.

In the late 2000s, Prince Jackson offered Damien the position of sheriff, an offer he declined. However, after hearing from an Anarchist about the impending arrival of the Lasombra in the city, Damien decided to return to Chicago, determined to reunite Baby Chorus once again.

Moderno Nights[]

For several years, the position of Sheriff in Chicago remained vacant. Damien seized this opportunity to negotiate directly with Prince Jackson: he proposed putting Baby Chorus at the center of attention, and in exchange, he would accept the role of sheriff. Jackson agreed, and Damien took the position. To the surprise of many, he quickly began to exercise his power with relentless rigor, punishing other members severely, leading others to question if this had always been his true destiny.

On a pivotal night, Kathy arrived at her refuge in the Near North Side and found Damien waiting for her. He was smiling, and the words he spoke would never leave her memory: Baby Chorus was returning, and she was meant to be part of it. Damien explained that he had made a deal with the Prince — the band would serve as a bridge to maintain peace during delicate negotiations with the Lasombra. He believed their music could unify the clans and seal alliances. Without hesitation, Kathy accepted the offer.

Meanwhile, Evan had been withdrawing more and more into his alternate personalities. He rarely manifests as Raymond Falcon, but on the rare occasions when he "wakes up" in this form, he seeks out the other members of Baby Chorus with renewed energy and contagious enthusiasm for their upcoming performances.

After years in torpor, Tamoszius, who had been kept by Kathy in the basement since the devastating Lupino attack, was unexpectedly awakened. A sudden explosion of music, a symphony heavy with agony and terror, echoed through the refuge, bringing him back to consciousness. He awoke in a deeply transformed world: the Sabbat was collapsing, the Anarchs were rising with strength, and the threat of the Inquisition loomed over all.

Now, Baby Chorus is not just a band. They have become a unique cultural force, remixing and rebuilding Chicago’s music scene to create their own style and a loyal following. However, their longevity is beginning to put the Masquerade at risk. The band members, especially after their recent "resurrection," appear unsettlingly well-preserved, even for performers known for their stage charisma and lighting tricks. With each show, the line between spectacle and violation of the Masquerade becomes increasingly thin.

Group Members[]

The Baby Chorus is, above all, a working band dedicated to creating the best music in the world. For its members, being a musician is the top priority. As Kathy Glens says, "Guitarist first, vampire a distant second." No matter what is happening — visions of Gehenna, power conspiracies, or even delivering heads to the Prince — none of that can interfere with the performance. The only exception is Damien, whose duties as sheriff occasionally take precedence, something even the Prince ensures to balance.

The revived lineup of the Baby Chorus includes new hired talents: Ventrue vocalist Scarlet Thompson, Gangrel drummer and saxophonist Gareth Ray, and Caitiff violinist Riley. These musicians, as Kathy likes to emphasize, are "hired," not full members of the circle. Tamoszius rarely performs, and Evan Klein participates sporadically, but both remain official members of the band, even though this causes some resentment among the hired musicians. Still, the opportunity to play with Baby Chorus is too good to pass up.

  • Kathy Glens (Leader). What would you do if you were possibly the greatest guitarist in the world, but couldn’t tell anyone why? For Kathy Glens, the answer is simple: she creates art for art’s sake. Under her leadership, Baby Chorus operates as a machine of creative excellence, always within carefully defined limits: live performances, intimate settings, and the practical restrictions of Chicago's music scene. Kathy believes that these limitations don’t restrict creativity, but propel it forward. She also keeps the band away from political complications, refusing full sponsorships from wealthy Kindred. After their residency at the Succubus Club, she plans to keep the band free to follow its own path. As the unquestionable leader and brilliant creative collaborator, Kathy sets the rules and the tone for Baby Chorus, ensuring its artistic integrity while protecting the Mask.
  • Damien, or "Cosmo." In the new formation of Baby Chorus, Damien adopts the stage name "Cosmo" (the name of Saint Damien's twin brother). The band does not forgive his absences and frequently teases him, calling him "part-time" due to his sheriff duties. Damien is the only member who can, from time to time, put art second. He is the lead vocalist and second guitarist, with world-class skill, but his dedication to music has decreased since he began working for the Prince. Kathy Glens tolerates this for now, but not without subtle criticism, praising his performance only as "good, as always" in post-show meetings.
  • Evan Klein, "Raymond Falcon". Evan Klein's experience in Baby Chorus, as "Evan K," is almost a psychological torture. His musicality with the band is intrinsically tied to Ray Falcon's personality, but Ray's aged appearance doesn’t fit the band's image. Kathy forbids the use of Disciplines to directly manipulate the audience, allowing only discreet adjustments, such as destruction amplified by Celerity. Using Presence to win over the crowd, for example, is considered cheating. As a result, Klein must perform as Ray Falcon while pretending to be Evan Klein. Initially, he thought this would be therapeutic, but it ended up creating a mental feedback loop that leaves him increasingly convinced that his original personality is no more real than any of the others he adopts. Despite this, both Evan and Ray are exceptional bassists.
  • Tamoszius,"Nero". While he doesn’t perform as often as before, Nero remains an essential figure in the band's creative direction. Kathy leads on stage, but Nero is the strategist behind the scenes: overseeing the roadies, providing technical feedback, and managing the sale of merchandise, such as t-shirts and CDs, which, curiously, always seem to be "pirate" copies and only accept cash payments. Despite not being his favorite role, this work occupies only a fraction of his attention and allows him to build social connections that he uses to launch his own music. Furthermore, Nero has taken Riley under his wing, and the young Caitiff's style is increasingly resembling his own. Rumors suggest that Nero is retiring and that Riley may even be his rebellious progeny.

Previous Members[]

These members played an important role in the initial formation of Baby Chorus, as well as in its activities before the group’s final dissolution after the Chicago War.

  • Garwood Marshall, Clan Tremere. Former member Garwood Marshall fell to Lupines in the 1990s. The Tremere was an excellent musician with a lie-studded background who was well-loved by other band members.
  • Ishmael, Clan Malkavian. The first drummer of Baby Chorus was tragically destroyed early during the Night of Rage, alongside other anarchists.


Those who are connected to the group in some way, whether as adjacents, guests, or followers, occupy a more secondary position.

  • Gareth Ray, Clan Gangrel. A kindred drummer and saxophonist.
  • Riley, Caitiff. A kindred violinist.
  • Scarlet Thompson, Clan Ventrue. a kindred vocalist.
  • Karla K. Ruby. She was Ishmael's long-time replacement as drummer until 1993, since then she has not been mentioned.
  • Gord, Priya, and The Guff. They are the band’s ghoul roadies, recruited by Kathy Glens and maintained by various band members since the 80s.
  • Mick and Geoff. The band’s roadies are also its biggest fans of Kathy. They’re not ghouls, but are utterly loyal to Baby Chorus.
  • Susanna Fisher.

A groupies who has been following the band since they first formed.

