White Wolf Wiki

Azothic radiance is an invisible aura all Prometheans generate. As Azoth increases, the radiance expands. It rouses Pandorans from their Dormancy, and is utilised in some Transmutations.

Azothic radiance is visible to Prometheans as a sort of aura or glow, though sensing someone's Azoth doesn't provide much help in locating them. A Branded throng is particularly sensitive to one another's radiance. Athanors and other Azothic objects also have a radiance, which can help Created locate one that is hidden. Unfortunately, this may also attract Pandorans, who then lie in wait for the approach of a Created victim.

When two Prometheans meet, they typically study one another's Azothic resonance, a custom called the Measure. One's resonance might reveal the taint of Flux or whether one has recently been in Torment. A Promethean can voluntarily dampen their Azoth for 24 hours, effectively lowering it, whether to hide from Pandorans or their own kind.

