White Wolf Wiki

A fervent devotee of Seb-Hetchet and his dream for a rebuilt Irem, Aziza is the White Jackal's biggest supporter in his absence. Her commitment to his goals is seen as a beacon of reassurance to nervous members of the nome and a hinderance to those who would rather demand answers.


He will rise when all else is in place. This was foresen.
  — Aziza

Always a second and never a leader, Aziza doesn't remember being in charge of any of her missions in past Descents but she believes in them anyways. She is fully behind the First Chorus's plan for Washington and shores up any doubts that events of the current Sothic Turn might create.

She frequently travels through the city which she sees in line with many other cities she's been involved in during past Decents from the Minoans to the Phoenicians to the Moors. She has always been a crafter, following the more visionary minds of the Tef-Aabhi, and she recognizes something special in Washington D.C. She is quick to assure the newly-arisen that they are part of something immensely important by participating in the nome, a reborn Irem ready to take its place in the world once more.


  • Cursed Necropolis: D.C., pages 42-44.