Ayesha Rahman is a Pakistani cult leader ostensibly of Islamic faith.
“ | Judgment Day is passed, friends. Jahannam surrounds us, populated by unholy souls… They can be controlled, these souls. They can be put to use to serve those among the faithful that still live. | ” |
A Yale graduate who works for an entertainment company and eschews the outward trappings of her Islamic faith, Rahman is nonetheless a religious fanatic who wholeheartedly believes the world has already ended — that the just have already received their reward and the blasphemous suffer. This belief was informed by her childhood as one of the spirit-haunted. For all her life, she has been hounded by spirits drawn to the loneliness and sorrow the girl radiated into the Shadow.
Rahman's ability to sense these spirits and their depredation upon her led her to view them as the souls of the dead who did not deserve Jannah. She came to understand that she could entreat with the spirits by deliberately cultivating the sorrow upon which they fed — an understanding that led her to eventually form her cult, the Children of the Truth.
- CofD: Book of Spirits, p. 21-22