Avalon Incorporated is one of Pentex's Top 21 companies, which specializes in the toy and games industry, encouraging ultra-violence and self-loathing within the youth of their consumers. Some of their products are even Wyrm-tainted fetishes, but all are focused on rendering the next generation cruel and apathetic to more worldly concerns.
Best-sellers include Pet Pal, Nuke 'Em, and Poopi Suzi.
- Action Bill - Action Figure, parody of G.I. Joe.
- Action Bill Automatic Pistol
- Action Bill Special Police Badge - Fetish/Talen
- Official Action Bill Website
- Bottom Line - Board Game, parody of Monopoly.
- Cici - Fashion Doll, parody of Barbie.
- Cici's Cityscape Condo
- Cici the Government Interrogator
- Emma
- Emma's Exercise Cycle
- Helena
- Muffy
- Muffy's Mutt
- Post Nuclear Holocaust Cici
- Urban Commando Cici
- Eat it all Elaine
- Cici and Action Bill Action Bike - parody of branded products
- Doctor Chuckles Surgery Kit - Fetish, parody of Operation
- Gooshy Gooze - parody of Playdough
- New Improved Glow-in-the-Dark Gooshy Gooze - Fetish
- Mega Power Teen League! - Action Figures, parody of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
- Brad Berzerko Action Figure
- Mandy Maniaca Action Figure
- Mega Power Secret Base
- Mega Power Thunder-Charged Champion of Justice
- Moon Mission Expansion Set
- Mister Mystic - Fetish
- Sister Mystic - Fetish
- Nuke 'Em - Board Game, reference to fictional advert in Robocop film.
- Biological Warfare Expansion Set
- Pet Pal - Electronic toy, parody of Tamagotchi.
- Pocket Beasts - Plush Animal Hybirds. "Don't Let 'Em Get Away!" Parody of Pokémon and TY's Beanie Babies.
- Crocobilly
- Green Leo
- Missing Lynx
- Poopi Suzi - Parody of Baby Doll
- So What? - Board Game
- WTA: Book of the Wyrm First Edition, p. 38
- WTA: Book of the Wyrm 2nd Edition, p. 62
- WTA: Subsidiaries: A Guide to Pentex, p. 82-99
- WTA/cMET: Mind's Eye Theatre: Book of the Wyrm, p. 166, 185-188