The Autumn Court is one of the four main changeling courts found in Changeling: The Lost. The changelings of the Autumn Court take the gifts they were given as slaves of Faerie and use them, both to terrorize their former captors, and to inspire awe in the average mortal. They are much closer to the Wyrd than any other court.
First Edition[]
Clay Ariel founded the Court of Fear. She had natural hands before she was taken, but when she returned, they were artificial. Only soft clay, she had to be careful not to damage them. Ariel took this as a lesson, and her toys and weapons of clay were well-known. None living today know what influence Clay Ariel exerted on the season of Autumn, but legend states that she went off without any armament but a wry smile. She ruled as the first Autumn Queen for long years after forging her Court's pact.
The Autumn changelings tend to be the most scholarly and well-traveled, especially when it comes to seeking out and learning new Contracts to use against their enemies. Leaden Mirrors also tend to favor trickery and guile over outright displays of power, exerting as little force as possible to achieve a big result. They are also much more prone to dipping into the Hedge than other changelings, seeking lost powers, as well as watching and learning from other supernatural creatures.
The most probable way a changeling can join the Autumn court is to share some lore or power that the court was not aware of before, be it through hazy memory or demonstration of some arcane Contract lore. Those who trick their way in can also earn the court's respect, as it shows the creativity and ingenuity the court prizes.
The rituals of the Ashen Court tend to be the least showy of the four main courts. Best known of their rituals is the Fallen Fair, a chance for changelings of all courts to show off the supernatural skills they have acquired over the past year, as well as barter and trade magical services. A hunt, usually known as the Hunt of Leaves but also by other names, is sponsored the Ashen Courts of many freeholds, allowing any interested changeling a chance to hunt down, capture, and destroy an enemy, such as a Fae, fetch, or even human, with the full assistance and resources of the Autumn Court at their disposal.
Associated Powers[]
- The contract of Fleeting Autumn helps the user manipulate the fear of others.
- The contract of Eternal Autumn can alter nature and the weather.
- The contract of Spell-Bound Autumn permits the caster to tap into the arcane powers of the fall.
The Autumn Court is based on Fear, and a changeling's mantle is representative of this. Autumn is the time of decay and dying, so a changeling's mantle will enhance their ability to strike fear into people. Occult characters running through the mien are not uncommon, nor is a chill in the air nearby.
Second Edition[]
“ | Don’t be simple. Of course it’s not better to be feared than loved. But someone has to wear that particular crown. | ” |
Well-acquainted with fear, both their own and others’ the Autumn Court knows that the Others do not bear mortal terrors. A violent, bloody death may well scare a mortal, but a member of the Gentry may not have a body to break in the first place. Instead, the Leaden Mirror has come to understand that the best way to frighten a Stranger is to alter the rules of the games they play — to turn the Gentry’s own tricks against them. To that end, the Autumn Court are the scholars of the four seasons.
This focus on the Wyrd often is disconcerting to the other Courts, though, who worry that, should push come to shove, an Autumn courtier may well turn to make a bargain with their old master.
Turning of the Seasons[]
High Autumn: An ascendant Autumn is a time of small, binding ceremony. Unsurprisingly, any grand ceremony is liable to be horrific. The Leaden Mirror also looks to the magic of the freehold, assuring that freeholders are educated in its use and well-prepared to protect themselves and their fellows. Should a Summer conflict have run over, an Autumn sovereign will likely fight dirty to end matters quickly.
Low Autumn: The Court of Fear returns to its archives when others rule. Additionally, they can act as advisors, soothsayers, and (especially interestingly) therapists, to ensure the freehold is in working order. Given their skill in fae matters, Autumn courtiers are frequently called upon for pledges and oaths.
The Bargain of the Autumn Court is one of complete transparency. The True Fae and their supporters must provide clear warning to the freehold of any attacks they plan to make; the more powerful the Other, the earlier in advance the warning must be given. In return, the Leaden Mirror carries out a myriad of rituals, peppering their daily lives with small superstitions.
Associated Powers[]
Autumn Contracts, both Common and Royal, are imbued with power relating to Autumn itself (such as storms and the last harvest) and the Court emotion, fear.
A courtier will find Autumn’s signs following her — a cool breeze; leaves rustling, spinning around her. Particularly powerful changelings may find greenery withering away. Most clearly of all, though, are the occult sigils that shimmer around her.
- CTL: Changeling: The Lost Rulebook, p. 54-57
- CTL: Lords of Summer, p. 79-82
- CTL: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition, p. 43-46
Seasonal |
Spring Court · Summer Court · Autumn Court · Winter Court · Solstice Court |
Directional |
Court of the North · Court of the East · Court of the South · Court of the West |
Transitional |
Diurnal |
Courtless |
Seasonal: |
Directional: |
Court of the Black Tortoise · Court of the Vermillion Bird · Court of the Azure Serpent · Court of the White Tiger · Court of the Yellow Dragon |
Rose: |
Creation: |
Singular Courts: |