White Wolf Wiki
Autarkis: From German Autarkie, from Greek autarkeia; Autarky: Self-sufficient and independent

If a Caitiff is an individual without a clan, an Autarkis is an individual without a sect. Since most clans are a combination of cultural, political, and hereditary ties, to be labeled Autarkis, thus not belonging to the sect of the clans, may entail being labeled a Caitiff, but not necessarily.

The Encyclopaedia Vampyrica defines an Autarkis as "A Kindred refusing to be part of Cainite Society and to recognize a prince's domain." This definition supports the interpretation that the term may be a Camarilla exclusive term to describe Non-Camarilla. However; it is safer to assume that an Autarkis denotes one without any political ties.

One may become an Autarkis either voluntarily, by retreating from sect and clan politics entirely, or involuntarily, by being forcably excommunicated by one's sect or clan.

It is important to note that being an Autarkis does not make one an Anarch as, although the Anarchs derive their name from the root word Anarchy, the Anarchs are a confederation of individual kindred with a political agenda. If there were any position more vulnerable than being a Caitiff, it would be being an Autarkis.
