White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Real-life Events[]

World of Darkness Events[]

  • 1995
    • Cornelius Balt finds Xadreque Machado's arguments on nomenclature intriguing, if borderline insulting. He agrees to change in the spirit of cooperation, and includes some of his notes on various types of Umbrood.[3]
  • 2003
    • His Holiness John Paul II today issued a papal proclamation condemning the growing trend of violence, militarism, atheism and "pagan idolatry" across the world. Although such declarations from the pontiff are not unprecedented, his especially harsh language has worried several observers. One Vatican insider told journalists, "In the past, His Holiness has been a firm but benevolent advisor. This time he’s speaking of Judgment Day."[4]

Trinity Universe Events[]


August 27 August August 29