White Wolf Wiki

Real-life Events[]

  • 2017
    • Released:
      • OPP: Onyx Path 2017/2018 Publishing Brochure Buy it from DriveThruRPG!

World of Darkness Events[]

  • 1965
    • After four nights of battle, the Cardinal calls of the crusade, knowing that even if the Sabbat would defeat the Anarchs, it could not hold the territory. More than a half of the defending Anarchs have met Final Death. Despite the victory, the Anarchs continue to bicker and fall into gang conflicts.[1]
  • 1987
    • Uriah Bishop brings a potluck dish laced with poison to a church picnic. The result kills 39 parishioners and the minister. Bishop is later arrested for his act and eventually sentenced to death row.[2]
  • 2001
    • Armature Harlan Gandt has been parsing the Balt decryption and has discovered the email exchanges between Balt and Xadreque Machado.[4] He immediately reports the exchange to Comptroller Lisa Chatham, who congratulates him on his loyalty and orders him to report to Personnel for psychological excision and intellectual reformation.[5] She orders Jason Wells to destroy Gandt's office and to have him tailed to Personnel just in case.[6]
  • 2003
    • The 15-foot golden statue of the angel Moroni disappears from the Los Angeles Mormon Temple. The statue apparently vanished at the height of a violent thunderstorm that swept the city this night.[7]

Trinity Universe Events[]

  • 1981
    • Charlie Benton, later the elite and Terat known as "Epoch," born blind in Queens, NY.[8]
  • 2004
    • A California law enforcement bulletin's section on cult activities lists the latest in nova cults. The FBI says that Kelly "Calliope" Pierson and Bhagwan Sri Mahananda are the worst offenders. The Church of Astaroth isn't a cult in the true sense of the word, but is still a danger.[9]
  • 2005
    • Nova Carson Whitland's orientation interview at Holistics Research, Inc.[10]
  • 2008
    • PBS' "Speak Out" with Jordan McLehr interviews Paul Nielman from Columbia University regarding the prevalence of Vir-Gogs and Vir-Gog Junior.[11]


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