White Wolf Wiki

Atum-Re is the sun god of the Pesedjet.


Atum-Re was once the creator of all things, invincible and all-powerful, ruling the world from his solar barque. Then Isis tricked him into revealing his true name. Now, Atum-Re is only as powerful as any other god, and he still resents the loss of status. The other gods tease him for his aloofness, while he pretends to be above the pantheon's petty controversies.

In appearance, Atum-Re is a middle-aged, dark-skinned man, tall and thin. His personas include antiquities dealer, imam, diplomat, and the CEO of a solar energy co-op. He's thoughtful and deliberate in all he does, but his tremendous force of personality sticks in people's minds. His Scions have a similar demeanor: they are strong but judicious in using their strength, and nothing escapes their notice.


Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Manipulation, Epic Perception, Animal (Falcon), Heku, Sun

Abilities: Academics, Art, Fortitude, Investigation, Politics, Presence

Rivals: Horus, Isis; Athena, Erzulie, Freyr, Huitzilopochtli, Susano-o

