White Wolf Wiki

The Ashirra (from ashira, Arabic for "clan") is the sect under which Islamic vampires declare their faith in Allah, and which rules over Arabia and North Africa, beginning in the Dark Ages. Members of the Ashirra believe that redemption for the Kindred was among the promises Muhammad made if they chose to follow Allah. While some vampires are true followers of Islam (most notably the Bay't Mutasharid), the vast majority of Kindred involved in the Ashirra follow Islam because it is convenient for them or to make it easier to operate in the Middle East. Like the Camarilla or Sabbat, the Ashirra is prone to power plays and political maneuvering.

In some instances, Ashirra can be used to refer to any vampire who follows Islam.


The Ashirra were founded in the earliest days of Islam. In 622 CE, an Arabian Lasombra named Suleiman ibn Abdullah converted to Islam and took up the task of defending the faith and spreading it to fellow Cainites. Within a few years several other converts spread the faith across the Arabian peninsula and beyond. By 632, the core tenets of the sect had taken shape and the Ashirra established themselves as a major power in the Islamic world. At their height, they stretched across the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, conflicting with Frankish Cainites during the Crusades and the Reconquista, and with Mongol Cainites during their invasion of Persia and Central Asia.

It is never mentioned what led to the decline of the Ashirra. The sect spread into Asia with Muslim traders, establishing themselves on the Indian subcontinent and the Malay archipelago as far east as Mindanao despite opposition from both local Hindu Cainites and the Wan Kuei. They even managed to establish Sultans in Mumbai, Delhi, and Lahore. As late as the 19th century, the Ashirra were still vying for influence in Egypt, the Holy Land, and the steadily declining Ottoman Empire. By the modern era, their influence is greatly reduced and the Ashirra have entered a truce with the Camarilla to preserve what power they have left.

The sect is strongest in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Afghanistan, though it has some influence in Egypt as well.

Modern Nights[]

The Ashirra and the Camarilla have formed an alliance, symbolically represented by the Vermilion Wedding. An august event where Toreador luminary Victoria Ash and Banu Haqim elder Tegyrius blood bonded themselves to each other and became husband and wife as a sign of trust between the two sects.


Political Terms[]

  • Umma. The community of the faithful among the Ashirra. Many decisions are made by a vote of the Umma.
  • Sultan. The Ashirra equivalent of prince.
  • Imam. The spiritual leader of the Ashirra community.
  • 'Ulama. Wise men and other religious scholars in the community.
  • Mullah. The most respected religious scholars of the Ashirra.
  • Qadi. The judges and law-keepers of the community.

Terms for Clans, Factions, and Bloodlines[]

Note that in cases where it is used, "bay't" stands for "clan," so a member of Bay't Mushakis is a Mushakis.

  • Banu Haqim (Assamites, lit. "Sons of Haqim"). This is the term the clan uses in general at this point, even outside the Ashirra.
  • Al-Amin (Salubri, lit. "the Virtuous Ones"). According to some sources, such as Beckett's Jyhad Diary, seven of the Salubri are protected by the Ashirra in modern nights.
  • Bay't Majnoon (Malkavians, lit. "Crazy House"). Plural: Majanin. The term of Malkav himself is Marid.
  • Bay't Mujrim (Ravnos, lit. "Felon House"). Plural: Mujrimin.
  • Bay't Mushakis (Brujah, lit. "Aggressive House"). Plural: Mushakisin.
  • Bay't Mutasharid (Nosferatu, lit. "Vagrant House"). Plural: Mutasharidin. A line of Nosferatu who descend from one of the founders of the Ashirra are called the Hajj, named after that founder: Tarique al-Hajji, a powerful blood sorcerer.
  • El Hijazi (Ventrue). This term is used for a small group of Ventrue in Arabia. Most other Ashirra of the clan have no special name.
  • Qabilat al-Khayal (Lasombra, lit. "the Clan of Shadows"). The Friends of the Night are called the Asdiqa' al-Lail.
  • Qabilat al-Mawt (Cappadocian, lit. "the Clan of Death"). Cappadocius himself is called Abu Lazar (lit. "Father of Lazarus").
  • Ray'een al-Fen (Toreador, lit. "The shepherds of the arts")
  • Shepherds of Islam (independent)
  • Wah'Sheen (Gangrel, lit. "the Beast-Men"). Some Gangrel take up lives as Islamic scholar-warriors called Taifa.
  • Walid Set (Setites, lit. "the Children of Set")

Terms for Roads and Paths[]

Version Differences[]

The integration between the Ashirra and the Camarilla was first presented as an option in V20, which was continued into V5.


Vampire: The Masquerade Sects

AnarchAshirraCamarillaHecataSabbat (Black Hand)

InconnuIndependent ClansLost TribeTal'Mahe'Ra
Mind's Eye Theatre

Independent Alliance