White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Arundel is the Prince of Ottawa and a powerful Ventrue.


He is several centuries old and thus significantly more powerful than every other Kindred in Ottawa, which he has ruled since it was founded. Moreover, the Ventrue dreams of ruling over all of Canada as an uber-Prince.

Arundel had a reputation as a remarkably progressive and integrationist Prince. However, being a progressive Prince did not keep him from enforcing his rule by fear and force. It is known that he has been lobotomizing huge numbers of mortals to conduct experiments on how their brains respond to repeated mind-wipes (although Arundel himself claims that he's only taken those who he calls "the scum of the Earth" as test subjects).

Most of the Kindred in Ottawa believe he's been Beckoned. He hasn't (although he is indeed suffering from the Beckoning). He's been held prisoner by the Tremere in Quebec after being staked in his secondary haven.


  • "Arundel" is not his real name, but the name of his mortal birthplace, which he assumed in an attempt to retain a portion of his humanity. His actual name is unknown.
  • He was mentored by Valerius.
  • Arundel is remarkably powerful even by Kindred standards. It is known that Dominate normally cannot compel subjects to harm themselves, yet when Arundel dominates Corliss and orders her to shoot herself, she is shown powerless to do anything but obey.
  • It is hinted that Arundel not only mentally tampered with the protagonist, but with other Kindred as well.

