White Wolf Wiki

The Artist of Spirals is Maeltinet under the service of Maastraac.

The Maeltinet makes its way around the area of a Wound, seeking out those who harbor deep-seated cores of envy. The Artist of Spirals will remember each of these people as it marks them with a touch, gently "drawing" a spirit spiral upon their skin. It will later summon several of its spirit servants to follow the mortal and interfere with his life. Its merest touch is enough to draw the mark; it need not call upon whatever Numina is possesses in this incarnation.

Only by using the Gift: Two-World Eyes will reveal a normal human with a fiery spiral mark upon his skin and plagued by petty spirits.


"I move from here to there, leaving my mark where I wish. Who are you to try and stop me?"

Rank: 4
Attributes: Power 8; Finesse 8; Resistance 10
Willpower: 18
Essence: 22
Initiative: 18
Defense: 8
Speed: 21
Size: 5
Corpus: 15
Influences: Envy **, Money **
Ban: Varies with each incarnation; frequently related to cowardice or generosity.
Numina: Materialize and any 8 the Storyteller deems appropriate for this incarnation.

