White Wolf Wiki

Arthur Francis Anningsley is one of the five most intelligent novas on Earth, and the founder of the Temple of the King.


Anningsley was born in 1925, and over the course of his life watched Great Britain fade from a global superpower to an isolationist also-ran. Anningsley's own title, Duke of Southminster, was essentially meaningless, and in 2005 he erupted from the depths of a profound depression. With his new Mega-Intelligence, Anningsley calculated a way to return England to its former glory, and recruited singer Violet Mayhew as his assistant.[1]

Anningsley created the Temple of the King, a cult masquerading as an elite social club. He drew on a mix of sources (Christianity, Freemasony, Arthurian legend) to design secret initiations and other rituals to bind the club members together and inculcate them with his vision of England's future, or at least earn their trust so he can mine them for information.[2]

Anningsley also cultivated an anti-government terrorist cell in London, and planned to have them assassinate the Prime Minister. Inner Temple member Brigadier Matthew Collin would then step in and declare martial law, giving Anningsley control of the United Kingdom by proxy. Meanwhile, he intends to assassinate other political and economic leaders around the world and replace them with Temple members, who he can then pressure into deferring to Britain on all international matters.[3] Mayhew, however, was manipulating him the entire time, and sabotaged his plans with the intent to betray him.[4]

Anningsley believed that if he couldn't rule England, no one else should get to, either. He obtained military-grade explosives and planted them at strategic locations in the London Underground, with the intention of devastating the city as revenge if his conspiracy was exposed.[5]

