Art Morgan was a Gangrel within Washington, D.C. who aspired to become the next Justicar of his clan prior to Xaviar's declaration of independence before the Inner Circle.
When asked about his mortal days, Morgan usually evades, claiming that it was a long time ago in a distant land. Since that time, he has wandered the world constantly, making friends and allies not only among various Kindred factions, but also with other supernatural groups, like the Garou and mages among both the Technocracy and the Traditions.
In modern nights he lives in D.C, working as a reporter for a small time magazine called The Deviant, who count him among their best reporters, and will print anything as long as the story is good.
Morgan was one of the candidates who aspired to the post of Justicar. He even had his own retinue of "Archons" ready. In contrast to many elder vampires, Morgan has embraced the trends of the new age, particular the counterculture of the 1960s, the philosophies of Timothy Leary, and the use of psychedelic drugs.
Art has yellow wolf-like eyes, long whiskers (which he shaves constantly), and beneath his clothes his vampire body is covered with thick brown fur.
Character Sheet[]
- VTM: D.C. by Night, p. 49-50