White Wolf Wiki

Ars Praeclarus or "The Brilliant Art" is what the Order of Reason called their scientific magic, as opposed to the mystical doings of the Traditions. It is brilliant both in the sense of the bright light of the sun that illuminates everything, and in the sense that those who practice it are geniuses.

The basis of the Ars Praeclarus is a form of the scientific method, including the principle of sharing one's discoveries with others in order to further the growth of new knowledge. Rather than simply accepting that a ritual or effect works, practitioners of the brilliant art want to know why it works and thus, how it can be improved. They reject the mystic paradigms of magic in favor of a clockwork universe beholden to natural laws and principles, which can be deduced through careful observation.

This in tandem with Ars Cupiditae were the iconic techniques of this era's Daedalans. In the modern day, these techniques live on in the form of Hypertech and Enlightened Science.

